(hap, it On Expefttion upon the B6ok.of j O s, VVI. 14, 7 ( Pfal.27. 4. ) So many, while they live, are apt ro make filch coarelufions, they (hall fee God no more, they !hall not fee hurt as long as they live, they are afraid they ihaI1 never have eomfott more, norpeaee more, while they are in !hilt world , while they are on this tide heaven; yet whether ever they (pall come to tea him in heaven, is their ; reatcfi, their Caddell, their non heart- dilquieting and heart-breaking doubt and feare. And indeed as we cannot fee God, until, he gives us eyes, fo we cane b,>.lieve we shall;fee him, until! he gives us hearts, 1,4my times his deal- ings, both as to outward terrible providences,and inward terrors., are todark,that we can feenothingbut darknefs,nor fay any thing but as yob is here charged to fay, that we (hall not be hint. Yea, God doth often hide himfelf from his people on purpofe`to try whether they will truft hiw and_wait upon him under inch with. drawings, for falvation, whether temrora.l or eternal, ( 44. I S. ) Thouart aGod that had! thyfelf,OGod o .- '- el,the Savi- our;Let us therefore take heed of faying,he wi - r ever hid- den, or that we (hall never fee, nor behold him .. lour ; fay not it is fo dark with us, that as nowwe fee no light, foour night fhall never have a morning. Fourthly, From thefe words, Although thoufayeft thou fhatt not fee him, Note, Agoodman is apt to give his heart and tongue too much liberty, We fhould watch our hearts, to keep out or call ,out vaine thoughts, we fhould ítrangle diftrutlful and unbelieving thoughts in thevery birth, that fo our tongues may never bring them forth, nor publish them to the offence of others. Thou haftfaïd, thou fhait,notfeehim. Bur when our unbridled tongues have run at ran- dome, and fpoken what is not right , yet God will do what is right, as the next words affureus. Yet Judgment is beforehim, Thefe words plainly intimate, that yobs fcope, when he laid he fhould not fee God, was, that he fhould not fee him as a judge clearingup his caufe, or appearing to vindicate the wrongdone him, and to do him right. As if Eights had laid , Whatever thy . opinion is concerning God, that he will never appear in thy caufe to do thee right, yet know this ( O Jobj Jrsd ement is before him, P i and