Chap. 3S. an e.rpofr,tion upon the Booker J o s. Verf. r g., , i s and wair,and flick to what God hash prorrri ed. Though provi- dences Appear crofs topromifes and prophc(ies, yet they never fru(lrateetther.Let us alío be fure to flick to the commandments of God, for-we may reftaffured, God will flick to his prop ices. To keep Commandements is our wo:k,ro keep,promifes is Gods work; though we fayle much in our work, God will not fayle at all in his viol k : To believe this, is the highel} and troetl work of faith. But ifwe are faithful in our work, the keeping of Com- mandements, we have a further evidence, that-Godwill b,; faith- ful in his work,the keeping or fulfilling of prorniîes,(a great part, the moil fpiritual part of Gods fulfilling promues, being his em- bling of usto keepCommandements) and then we (hall b. able to fay, not only in fath, but from experience, that fndgerent is _ before him. Anduntil! we come to this con-elution of faith in dark times , when we cannot fee him, the foul never tics down in ref}. Nothing fixes the foul but tru(l in God ; we are unquiet, yea w yle with unquietnefs,and toisas the angry Sea with the winde till we truf} fully upon God , upon his wîfdome and power,upon his geodnefs and faithfulnefs,and can fay, let him do as feems good in his eyes ; we know he is and will be good to Ifrael, even to fetchat are ofa clean heart. When we can once flay our minds on God, we are quiet ; but Hhen we mull bring God to our mind, and mull have God goour pace, or come at our time, and work in our way, ( none of which he will do, what a do foever we make tohave it fo) Ohow ref}lefs and`'`troubled are we, even like the troubled Sea when it cannot re(} ! And O how much of this ref}lefs trouble dilcovers it felt in the minds ofmany ( that I fay not the moilof ) men , and all becaufe they cannot truf}God when they do not fee -him , or becaufe when they do not fee him ( which was fobs fayling )'they fay, the, ¡hall not fee him. If matters come not topats according to their platfortne, and model, or hit not the dates and dayes, the times and feafons Which they have fixt in their ur..fcrip ural Kalender, or by a mi- flake of the Scripture Kalendar, theyare ready to fay, -they lia l not fee him, their hopes are as the giving up of the gho!3, that is, they give all for loll, and pall recovery. Ma}-y trnft God (as they do Come men) no farther than they fee him they a-e the worn and courfePtfort of men, whomwetruflno otherwise. Flo ,vdi- fhonourable then, how infinitely below God is filch a trufl? fZ E hat