Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 3,5. e4#Ezpofrtion amore the Book of 3 a II, Verf. I .s. t a i Hence note, 'Fourthly ; God vi fits or of i& t, evenhisown rop1e, his eleEt, and choice fervants, with fatherly anger, when they dif leafeand pro veke hiss. We find the Scripture fpeaking exprefly of the anger of Cod towards the befi of his fervants, even towards a Mofes, (ashim - felf made confeffion , Venter. i. 37.,). when they ditplca e him ; Alfa the Lord war angry with nie far yourfakes, frying, tlw.o alfo/halt not ge in thither. (..Mofes was a moil meek loan, the meekeft man upon the face of the earth, nor was he an inferior in any other grace, yet the Lord was angry wi h him, and angry with him upon that fpecial occafion, his unbeliefe, (,Numb. 20. 12. ) and the Lord fpake unto Mofes and Aaron, 6ccaufe ye be- lieve me not, tofanfifie me in the eyes of the children of ffrael, therefore &c. We read of the Lords anger breaking out against Aaron for anothef fin, ( Numb, i z. 9.) The anger of the Lord was kindled againft them, that is , agatnft Aaron and Miriam , be caufe theyhad fpoken againfl Mofes, (verf: a . S. ) Aaron was the HighPrief} , and as he was high inoffice, fo eminent in grace ; and doubtlefs Miriarre was a very gracious woman, yet the Lord was not only angry with them , but exceeding angry ; his anger waxed hot again(} themand kindled,when they forgot their duty to Mofes, and remembred not their diflance with reverence. Solomon in his prayer at the Dedication of theTemple, fpeaks of the people of God colied}ively; If theyfinagairf thee, and 'Jose be angry with them. The Lord is not only angrywith the world, but angry with his Church, not only angry withBabylon, but with ferufalem. And as Solomon fpake that of the whole Nation of the 7ewei, fuppofing they might fall under the Lords anger all toge- ther as a body ;fo he did experience it fadly in his own perïon, (I Kings y, I I .) And the Lord was angry with Silanion, 6ccaufe hisheart was turnedfrom the Lord Godof Ifrael, whichhad appea- red untohim tw'ce. Wife Solomon departed frcrn God through an evil heart of unbelief and vanity; after the Lord had come and appeared to him m6re than once in grace and favour ; and t be bitter effeets or fruits of that departure, appeared co him shortly after the Lord '(faith that Sc t iptut e) was ehgry with Solomon ; and the fequel-of his Hif}ory tells ut, there rientout very l:ot R z h :F