Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap, 3 5. anE.rpof tion upon the Book of J o B. Verf. z. think this tobe right, I cannot believe that thou thinker+ this tobe right, thou are not Cutely fo far left of Reafon,and of Grace, as to think this to be right.This fenfe gives fome allay to,or abatement of the former; Purely thou doll not think fo,though thouhaft fpoken lo ; though thywords may have this meaning,yet I hope this is not thy meaning ; I am unwilling to take up thy opinion from thy ex- hretliion ; Think cJY thou this to be right ? From the firft Expofitiena Note ; It is afrong way of conviílion, to put or refer a matter to his Judgement andConfcience, againfl whomwe makeoppofition. Thinker+ thou this to be right ? I refer it to thy own Confci- ence, whether this be right yea or no; and thus the Scripture (peaks ofren.When Godwould flop the mouth from all contra- diLion, and not leave oppofers a word to fay, he leaves it upon them to fay all.Mofes intending to prove that none could prevaile again(( Ifrael, unlefs ( God provoked by fin ) delivered Ifrael up into theirhands, gives thisdemonfiration of it (Dent. 3 2. 31.) 7heir Rock;snot as ear Rock,evenour enemies themfelves 19eingfud- oes I refer this to our enemies opinion,whether the Dunghil gods, the Idols whom they ferveand troll to, be likefehovah,the living God, whom we have (and ought) to ferve and trua ro. You that are our enemies,doyou thinkyour Rock is like our Rock ? I know you do not. The Apo(lles, Peter, and John, referred it back to the judgment of theirJudges, whether it were fit for them, to obey their commands, yeaor no, when they called !hem, andcharged them to preach nomore in that name,the name of the Lord Jefus Chia, (At1s 4. 19. ) Whether it be right io thefight of God to hair enunto youmore than unto God, judge ye. We have received a command fromGod topreach ; Go teach all Nations (Math.28. ï9.) and we have received a command from you not topreach ; stow we leave it with you, whetherit be fit for us to obey God or you. So the Apoftle having admoniiiìed the Corinthians to flee from Idolatry, prefently adds ( a Car. to. I4, I 5.) to wife men, judge yewhat 7jay ; I have given you the rule , and I leave it toyour confederation, what's belt and fafer+ for you to do. I ffeak as to unfe men , that's a holy infinuation ; As if he had laid, /knowyou are wiremen,men of underfiand;ng, and therefore I donot fa much cornmand,yots to okey what I.faj , as to judge what Ifay