Chap. 36. an expofËtion upon theSoak, of J o N. Verf. 2. raine, the fnow, the lightening, and the thunder , in and by all which, report is made, asof the Wifdonwe and Power, fo of the Jufiiceand Righteoufnefle ofGod ,who often declared) his mind. toMankind by thofe Teachers, and proclaims by.tteir mouths (as it were by foundof Trumpet) how terriblehe is, andwill be towilful and impenitent finners. That's the tumid_ of his Ar- gumetication, or the Scopeof thishis lati undertaking with Job. Vert. t. Elihu alfa prcceeded, andfail. This is thePen-man, P,eface, he mikes theConnexion d:us between the former and this difcourfe ; Ebhu alp proceeded, and fail: The Heb'ew is, 4lihuadded, that is, tohis former fpeech- es he added this. Werender the wordhe continùed, (Chap. 23. i .) Eliha alfa proceeded, o: continued his fpeech, andfail ; and what laid he ? that begins at thenextverte. Verf. 2. Safer mea little, and I will thew thee, that Ibare yet to[peak on Gods behalf. 131 Herebegins Elihts'sown Pceface,the aim or tendency of which dlïiTfiocfrd° is to gain obs attention and fubfcri rione to what he had to fay, rafi an, chat" $ P daleum ell.;.. and he fuggefaeth four Arguments or Motives :i thefe threeVet- Druf les, to draw out the attentionof Ìob;and likewifeto gain his tub- million towhat he fhould lay before him. Firti, Hegives him an Argument from his intended b-eviry, Ile be (port, I meannot tobe tedious, I will nor tire thee, nor wear out thy patience with a long Difcourfe : Safer use a little. His fecond Argument is taken from the greatnefs of the Per- fon, in whole name and behalf he was about to (peak : As if he had Paid, Hear me, for it is not my own Caufe, nor the Cáti(e of anyman that I have in hand, I fpeak for God, Safer me a lade, and Iwill (Lew thee, wh(t Ihave yet tofay for god. His thirdArgument is taken from the Authority in which he Nihil vut r, would fpeak. Hear me diligently, for what I have to fay, isi t Niút non ara only for God, but fromGod'; I will fetch my knowledge from afar, and afcribe righteoufneffe to my U'tlttr, verf 3 Sana, Fourthly, Which is, a neceffary Confequent of the former two, he would be heard, becaule he refolved ( and hoped he fhould make good that refolution) to fpeak the rruth,and nothing but the truth ; he offers this at the 4th Verfe,For trulymy words T fl-all