r46 Chap. 360 an Expofition upon theBoikof Jo B. Verf. As theworks of grace are afar off from all men,. in a flare of nature ; fo the works of God in nature, are very far of from the moli of men; they know little of Gods works in the Heavens, or in the Earth, in the Sea, or in the Aire, yet all thrfe are to be feacheci out with diligence by the Ions of men. Secondly , Note ; The works of Creation and Providence,. Phew that god is, and what be is, We may fee who God is , in what he Math done ;. we fay tbings are in their working, as they are in their beings. God bath done likehimfelf in all that he bath done ; his own works (as well as his own Word) (peak. him belt, (P fal.. 19. i ..) The hea- vens declare the glory of God, and the firmament f, eweth bic handi work, &c. The raine and fnow declare thepower of God, Thun- der andLiohcening Phew what he can do, Thirdly s Note ; Knowledge is worth oar loog41 travel, itwill quit cof` to go far for it. We fay,Some things arefar fetcht,anddear boaght ; true know- ledge,efpecially the knowledgèof JefusChrifl deferves tobe far fetcht, and it cannot be too dear bought ; wemull drive a (i,~ange kind of trade with the truths of God ; we mufi be alwayes btiy- itag, and never felling, yet that's a commodity will never lye up- on our hands, neverbrayde> If we were to fetch our knowledge from afar, as to thedïfiance of place, . we fliould not thinkmach . of it,. The CZLIeen of the South fetcht her knowledge from afar, . file came a very greatway, undertook a long journey, to hear the wifdomeof Solomon; in that fenfe we fhould be willing to fetch our knowledge from afar; yet forne will fcarce fiep over the thre- Ihold to fetch in knowledge. It is propheted (Dan. t a.. 4. ) (Nog fh ill ran to and fro,and knowledge'hall krincreafed. Know- ledge ought to be travell'd for as much as any thing in the world.We fetch our gold and filver, and rich Commodities ,afar off,, we go to the ends of the Earth for theta, through a thoufand deaths and dangers; we fayle within three inches of death for many moneths together, to fetch woy idly riches from afar off ; and (hall we not fetch afar off , how far feever it is from