Chap. 36. efin1'oftion upon the Book of Jo a. Verf. 3. from us in diflance of place, and what labour or coil fcever we bellow to fetch it in ?,/ wilt fetch my knowledge from afar, I will afcribe righteoufnefs to my Maker. There words contain the ground, purpofe, or defigne of Elihu in this whole difcourfe, which was to maintain the righteoufnefs of God ; I ( faith he) will afcribe (the Hebrew fl, i&dy is give ) righteoufnefs to my Maker ; here's a very great undertaking , to p`t!t t1t give righteoufnefs to God ; God gives and imputes ribhteouinefs to us ; I-is the fumme of the Gofpel, that God imputes or a- fcribes righteoufnefs to linnets c Now as God in a Gcfpel Cenfe, gives righteoufnefs to us, both the righceoufnefs of juflification, which is lodged in the perfon of Christ, and the righteoufnefs of fanaitcation, which is lodged in our own perfons, though the fpring and principle of that allo be in Chri(l (fill fo we mull give righteoufnefs to God ; that is, both believe and declare or publifh to all theworld, that God is jufl, and give him the praife of his jullice, which is the bell and nobleft work we can doon Gods behalf in this world. There are two moll excellent works, which indeed contain all our work in thisworld. Pita , To do righteou ly, or ail righreoufnefs our felves. Se- condly , To afcribe righteoufnefs untoGod. But you will fay, what is it togive or afcribe righteoufnefs to God ? I aufwer, It is to acknowledge, that God is tighteous in all his wayes, and holy in all his works. ' ris mans duty to jtiflifie God, toafcribe that righteoufnefs to him, which is properly his own. 'Tis Gods grace, his free-grace to juflifie man, to afcribe that righteoufnefs to h,imwhich is properly anothers. Davidmade profefíion of the former as his duty, ( Pfal. 50. 3,4. ) 1 açk, sow- ledge my traïfgrefens, andmy fin is ever before me ; that thou mightef6 be jsef#rfied in thy fayingr, And clear when thou judgeff That is,I'le confefs my fin, that all the world may fee the righte- Is qui pecc.atet oufnefs of thy dealings with me, though thou thouldeI deale ,, confitetur deo . ver fo feverely with me,though thou fhouldefl fpeak the bitterefl peccsrum jx- things againfi me,& pronounce a fentence of heaviefl judgement 117 crec upon me. The Apoale referring to this place in the Pfilazes, cenci or ab ea quotes the words in a paflìve forme and fenle, not of Cod judg- gratiam be- ingman, but of God judged by man, (Bans. 3, 4.) Let God be rams. Antbror: V z trtee l' 6. in Lui. 147