Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 36. an Expoßtion upon the Boc-kof Jo ia. Verf. 3. 49 though we have fetcht it very far, by which we are taught, and have learn'd to afcribe righteodnefs ( for that's the afcrrbing of goy ) to our Maker. I ( faith Elihu) tvill,tfcribe riihteoufnefs To my L5/faker. There's fomething in that expretlion very confiderable ; Elihr doth not fay, I will afcribe righteouinefs toGod , but (peaks of God under that relation, His Maker. The word fignifies not on 17vß importas ly in General to make or create, of which work Mofes treats in faced aliquid the fart{ of Gore/if, but it notes the doing of a thing,firfl, withdi- cum intemrone ligence,fecondly,with skill &great intention of mind;cis.todraw RÌ.á wire aldo all our fpîrics together in a work, as Artifts do ; This divine art or cuiter informs- skill did chiefly appear and (nine forth in the creation or forma- tione hominio . tion of man. Not that God flraines hinifelf in anywork, but he Bold: fpeaks thus, to thew that the highefl perfeelions and exa&nefs imaginable,yea beyond all imaginatton,were centred and laid into the works of God , or the things that he hath made. will afcribe righteouf>refe to t..My c Maker. He doth not fay, to the Maker of roan, or to theMaker of Hea- ven andEarth, but to my Maker ; heappropriates that common work of God to himfelf. God is the maker of every Creature, the leaft warme, the leaft fly is of his making, yet Elihas (peaks of it as his peculiar priviledge, my Maker. There's agreat Emphafis of affe&ton in thole Pronounes,Mine, Delicata fart Thine, His. Eiihu in this my intimates a friendly fweetnefs and ha'' pranorni:na clofenefs of relation between God and him. To call another Meurn,Tuum, Mine, is more than to call hifa a friend ofmine ; And to fay,God ,etplen is my Maker, is more than to fay, He is the maker.of me, or the :1, hocjob maker of my foul and body.'Tis the Dial& of lovers:Wnote we fanrìre poni- love we call Oars. It is fo in the writings of Heathen Poets and rur pro amico. Orators. One of them faid, I risast do this with the gifts of mine, Dulddefq; mea- that is, of my friends and another, Ionly ammy to_mine. Much rum religuias. Virgil: /Eni love reignes in this Language of faith up and downthe Scrip- ad, 4. tures, chiefly in thofe raptures of divine delight between Ch rift Ego meorum and the Spoufe in the Book of Canticles. Elihu is here greatly fola lam me- affe&ed, as with the righxeoufnefs of God inall his works, fo in to. Terent: the workmanfhip bellowed on him t- I (faithhe) will afcribe righteaufrefs tomy Makero. Hence: