Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

I 5 8 Chap. 36. vinExpo/tics upen the Boot* of D. Verf. 1'I to the highefl Form of Gofpe! knowledge, and are fit to be Teachers. Secondly, Note Whether we krow littleor musb,tliis is theperfet7-ion ofourknow- ledge, hanefily to imploy and tAwprove it, for the information of the ignorant, and the convicáion of thofewho are in erroar. If we have but one Talent of knowledge, yet ifwe ufe it well, we are perfe& in knowledge. They who' have digged (as they think) to the heart, and dived to the bottomof all Sciences, yea into the heart of theScriptures too, yet if theykeep their know- ledge to themfelves, or know only for themfelves, if they have bife ends and by refpe&s, in vending their knowledge, if they trade with their knowledge for Pelf only, or to do mifchief to others, their¡nowledge isnot onlyutterly imperfe&,bur,as to any good account, nothing, or none at all. As he that flothfully hides his Talent, fo he, who either vain-gl©riouily thews it, or deceit- fully ufeth ir, !hall be, numbred among thofe who have none, (Math. 25. 29. Ln e 8. 18. ) Laffly, ea, (peakingof himfelfin third perfon, Note, Modefty it agreat vertase, and thegrace ofall our grocer. He that faith, I amperfe& in knowledge, knoweth not what is neerefl him, himnfelf. We fhould ufe our knowledge as much as we can, but !hew it as little as we can, unlefs in the tiling of it. 'Tisbefit for us to take littlenotice of ourown goodnefs, and not ro knowour own knowledge. Ufually they have but little,who are much in diewing ( unlefs much called to it) what they have. Empty Veffels found moll, and 'hallow Brooksmake the loudetf noyfe inpaffage. Mofes pat a Vail upon his face, as unwilling to have that Divinebeauty Peen. While we are provoked, and even necaflìtated to dilcover our knowledge, we fhould cover our feives. It is our duty to impart our knowledge, but our folly ro proclaim it. Thusfar Elihaa bath been preparing his Ia* ient Job, to receive his Medicinal inflru&ions ; he is now ready ro adoiinifter them, for the cureandquieting ofhis dif}empered mind.