Chap. 36. trin Expefstien upen the Book of JpB. Verf. 5, 1`r mean men, becaufe mean ; he defpifeth not men in profperity, b_caufe they are rich and profperous, nor loth he defpife men in adverfty, becaufe poor and unprofpereus. I-le defpifeth nor any upon any of there accounts ; the Lord defpifeth none but t:T:- wic- ked, and the ungodly, the unbeliever and the impenitent, and all them'he defpifeth,and them heever will defpife, how great, how high, howmighty, how rich fcever they are ; trae Lord defpifeth them, and he will alwayes derpiCe them. He Both not defpife any man becaufe a great man, if he be not a wicked great tnz,t ; ami let men be never fo poor or low, the Lord looks not ctUainfully upon them becaufe they are fo; Cod doth tact defpife any m.tnbe- caufe he is in a bad cafe, he only de fpifeth men,heca::íe their cafe or Caufe is bad, and,thenhe will defpife them, let them bewho or what they will. Such is the goodnefs of God, and this good- nefs is his Glory, That although the higher+ and greatenof men, are but as worms tohim, or not fo much tohim as the dull of the Ballance, or the drop of the Bucket, yet he defpifeth not any, no, not the lower +and leaf+ of men. Secondly, When the Text faith, he defpfeth not, there is more in it than is expret+. Wemay take it affirmatively, God gives all fortsof mendue regard and favour, he takes care of them, and beftows fuirablemercies upon them , evenupon the meanefi and poorer+of them : if they be his, if they be faithful and god ly,how Both the Lord own them ! how doth the Lord honour them ! howBoth the Lord embrace and lay them in his boCome, though they lye upon the Dunghil,as Jo% did! As when weare warnednot to defpi/etbe chaJbiingi of the Lord (Heb.I2.5.) we are taught to take them ingood part ; and as when the Apofleadmonitheth us(a7heff:5.26.) not ro defpife Prophefie, his meaning is net only this, that he would not have us flight ir,and throw it at our heels, but he would have usgive it dueefieem, and honour it as one of our choycef+ mercies, he would have us ter a g -eItt price upon ir, and beefs God heartily for ir. So here, when E! her airh The Lorddefpifeth not any, his purpofe is to thew, that herefpe. s and avours'men according to their condition, but no`I his own faithful and obedient Servants. This Interpreta ion may give us another Inf+ruaion : God hath a dtse regard and refpea to allfortsand caoaicions of men, Z 2 H `ing