t 8q. Verf. ç. eAnExpofstion upon the Book of J o e. Chaps6. this, Becaufebè.excels all others, net oily in rightirefs dnd power, but in the nobleseefs of hit Spirit. The Lord bath fuck an heroical Spirit, that he can do nothing below or unbecoming himfelf, This 1,1 is anexcellent readingof the words. Take two Notes from it. FirfI, By of Affercion. Secondly, By way of Illation. By way of .Atfertion, thus, The Lord bath 4 wonderful noble heart, and magnifices.t at1GFl!`' Spirit. ÌIÌ'o.F. n'l 7ri çzaxtvSoFux. He hath not only an outward power (as many have) but an in- ward power ; he is not only (Nafler ofothers, but, as I may fay, he is Muller ofloimfelf. Many are Matters of others, who are t \,ot at all M.tllersof themfelves ; theyare mighty in the flrength of hand, yet weakas to (lrength of heart. The inward excellency and mightineffe of the heart of God, may be feen eminently in a threefold refpe'l. Fitlf, The Lord is tmighty of heart, as to patience and long- fufferance, in bearing withthofe that are evil. TheLord is infi- nitelyabove that patiencewhich confifis in the bearing of evil, (though that as was toucht before, (hews much flrength of heart) but he is continually inthe exercife of that patience, which con- lifts in bearing with thofe that are evil. And O how great is the flrengthand might of Gods heart in this ! Some of the Ras- bies tranflate the Original Text, longfuffering, The Prophet Nahum (peaks of God, asflow to anger,andgreat in power,(Chap. r. 3.) It argueth flrength of heart indeed, when we can flop and bridle our boiflerous and angry paffons, towards thofe that have offended us. The Lord faith unto, or concerning Pharoab (Exod.g. t 6.) And in verydeed, for thiscaufehave Irai fed thee up, for to Them in thee my power,&c. What porter ? The Lord Chewed fort h a twofold powerin the railing up of Pharoah:Firfl,t hepower of his Arm, that he was able to call down fuch amighty Prince. Secondly,The power of hisPatience,that he fpared him from ruin till be had tent ten meffages tohim, and poured ten Plagues upon him. The Lord was foprovoked by Pharoab, that he might have trufhed him upon the firfl denyal, but he forbare him long ; the Lord might well fay, Ihazrelet thee sop that Imight fbew forthmy power, mypower inforbearing thee long, as well as in def#royingthee at laß. The Apofile fpeaks of this power (Rom. 9. 22.) what if God