Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. ;6. an expefitiaN open tiro lug, if Je :, Ile. i. t.$s God willingtoPie his wrath, and rreakke bitpower known (the Lord- will not only thew his wrath hereafter in breaking chofe veneers of deftruiicn, but he thews his power now in fuífering them long, and thereforehe to make his power known ). endured with asncb longfsfcring the reffclsof wrath fitted todcflrKEFion. Here's the fcrengchof the Lords heart, he bearsiong.withwicked men. Secondly, There is a mighty power or flrength of heart in God, as in longfuffering towards impenitent tanners, fo in pardo- ning timers who repent. Who,buc the Lord-hash fucha frengch tt"r+i of Spirit, to pardon and patate by offences ! After the People of eß `F`at`e`° !frail had=tined, and murmured, and foprovoked the Lord co Sdofibtretk the height, t,Mofer begs and befpeaks the power of the Lords eteneolfo-vfr. pardoning-mercy, (Movie 14. 17.) And Now 1 befeech tbee let tae ell= nee thepowerofrryLord begreat, accordingat thoubaßfpoken,faying, The Lord is longfufferin , andofgreat mercy, forgiving iniyuity, rß,e1. &c. As if Mofes had raid, Lori, thou iwofll put forth as much clam Ben. power in pardoning the, Atofthis People, as ever those didit in deli. vexing them from the r.hen1egofafferings irr Egypt. Or thus, O Lord, thou rorghoteß magni fie the power of thine anger inpent fhing this rebellious People, batrathermagnáfie the power of thypatience and longfs ferance in fparin andpardoning them. Owhatfirengch ofheart is inGod,; whopaleth by the great tranfgreffionsof his People ! Thirdly, The Lord hatl+s i ightineffe of heart in executing Lis wrath uponhis incorrigible enemies, ( Pfal. ,o, IT .) ode lneweti thepower ofthine ?. The anger of cod is !Itch' s thing asno elan cango to thebottome of it in his thoughts. The Lordswrath ispowerful, beyond all imaginationand app:ehen&= on; his anger, as well as haa ;, p fc!h knowledge. Inall theft tefpebts the Lord path flrengchof hearr, or he is mighty in iireeeth ofheart, aswell asin hand or arm. Thegreatefi difco- veries of Gods power, are in the wayes of his mercy. His judge- items are called his{huge work, but his mercy is his firength, as theProphetcallsit, (Ifa. 27. s.) where warning the Bryart ominous totakeheed ofwarring with God, he gives a fanner thiscounfel, Let him takehold ofmy firer tb, that ht *Ay 'woke puttwith me,4nlhe f ail nukepeace withme. But what ismeant rt ebr+rk by the ltrength of God ? Some render, Let him takeheld ofmy seesa ?ewer, A ?ewer ii a placeof ftrength , but here put for that i,e. chair . B b which Co