Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

r 86 Chap 36. anEvpoftion upon the Book of J o a'. Verr. 6, which Go.i glories in moll, as his chiefefl .firength,even his good - neffe, mercy, patience, andTong- fufferance, yea Chrifl himfelf as If he had laid, Let not the (inner firuggle with myflfrength, let hian not think byfirong hand to overcome my flrength, but let him . takehold ofmy (hrifl, through wham all thofeglorious perfúlions of mine, my Goodneff'e, e21ercy, Patience,, &c. aregiven out to the- children ofmen, and hefhall make peace with are.. This is the . true firength of God ; nor doth any thing more let, forth the flrengih of man, than this,, that he is ready topardon, taforgive, . andpaffeby ; only impotent fpirits are much for revenge.. 'Tis our weakneffe not to paffe by wrongs and injuries donecous. To bear wrongsis tobe like the high and mightyGod , tobear them in mind,is tobe- likethe towel and weakeflfpititedmen. He is flrong indeed, . who is flrong in patience againfl Offenders, and as (Bong in mercy to pardonhumbleones, as in power topuniiia 1ubbornand rebellious ones, Secondly; By way of.INliacion,., Ndre 'Tis thegrtatnefoof Gods Spirit, or the f rengthi ofhis heartand mind,wbichmoderates towardsfinfsl man. That which keepsmen in moderate frame towards men, is rraegreatneffe of fpirit They that areof filch a fpirit, will nei- ther defpife thofe that are below them, nor envy thofe that are a- bove them,nor willingly oppofe thole: that are equal to them. The envy and oppofition of others, greatneffe,. arifeth from the meanneffe andweakneffc ofour ownfpirits. . The reafonfwhy one manis affraid that another fhould be high,. isbecaufe himf if bath not a real higbneffe of fpirit ;.. or the reafon why moll oppofe the greatneffe of others, is the littleneffe of their own f i:its. Whence fpring!contentions And Urifes, envy ár, andTader- minings of one another ?: come .they. not from the narrowneffe of our hearts, that we cannot rejoyce in the good of others, or from the impotent jealoufies ofour hearts, that we fear others will do unhurt ? Iffuck a one get up, he will pull medown ; if fuch a onebe high,;tis dangerous tome,therefore I mull pull him down, if I can,; whencecomes this, but from lowneffe and poorntffe of fpirir, from that pitiful thing inman, called Poo/ llsnimrty. The Lord hath fo great a:Spirit, that as he envietnno mans greatnefle, !ß