Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

II o Char. 3 S. 4./fn Expo f:tion upon tkc loft of J a B. Verf, z; o«fnefs is more than Gode, but, t fhatl be found righteous before God, or in thefight of God. This job had Paid, and therefore made fo Jujbiefuman- many appeals toGod. Iant juft before god, that ic,c.s`lfy cñufe zsill to conpeflum befound right and juff in thefight of God. And as job had Paidthis 7>omini. Sept, ofteneginvalently, fo-once incerm, (Chap. a3. io.) when he bath tiled nv, (ball come forth as gold, or appear innocent before God ; which he fpake efpecially with an eye to thofe heavyaccu fations which his Friends brought againll him, and laid upon him ; And even for this job might well be condemned of rafhneife by Elihtt, who aimed at the throwing down of all felf-righteoufnefs, at the fioppingof every mouth, at the eclipfìng of all humane glo- ry, in the prefence, and before thebrighmctfe of the Moll Glo- rinut, High and Holy God. So then,even, this other more favourable readingrwhich fpeak- ethnot comparatively, but pofitively, I am_tuff before God, that pr, pofiio aia is , I (hail 'be juflified by God , or I doubt not but I 1hal1 rvIem'errif,o- be acquitted , and found right before God, this cannot rejla vel ak, every way be jut-lilted . It was jobs fault and failing, that he in hunt fenfum was fo confident God would not ( he was farre front 1ulfum lavingGod couldnot) find fault with him. Wemay fee (if we ficaÿv aufujr' navefpiritual eyes, or eyes enlightned by the Spirit, fo many yam *adDo- faults in our bell fervices, as may make us a(hamed toown them, Cajet, rather than to boafl of them before men, much more to bear up= our (elves before God upon them t For (as Eliphaz told job in the. 4th. Chapter) God chargetlo his Angels with folly, and the bell of his Saints are unclean before him ; therefore that was too much fo: fobto fay of himfèlf,though that's the eafief} and moll charita- ble Interpret a' ionof what he _iáid, when he faid(as the Septuagint render)I fhall befound righteous before god, or in the fsghtof god. Our Tranflation is very hard, 'tartlet of all, Thou baff faid, my righteoufnefe is more than Gods ; yet this Elihu might gather up confequentially from what he fpake in the r 9th Chapter, verf. 6, 4 y, Behold I cry out ofwrong, but Iam not beard , I cry aloud, but there is no judgement. M alto from the paffage, Chap. a 3d verf. ed. Even to day is mj complaint bitter, myProbe is heavier than mygroaning Inboth places job ;peaks as if God had not dealt rightly with him, as if God had been over -fevere in afflióting him, or as if his complainings were thorn of his fufferings. In bothor either of which, jeb exceeds the bounds bothof truth and