Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

gChap. ; 6. as Exrfitteoi actin rbe Bock..f Jo B. Verf. 6.' was a hairof their beast plat neither were their Coats change', nor thefowl offire hai paffid on theta, (Dan. ;.:7.) Did we ever hear that theLord reflrained the power of the fire, to pre- ferve wicked men ? WhenDaniel, a manprecious in the fight of God, was call into theLions Den, the Lord preferved his life al- fo, by flopping the Mouths of the Lyons, ( man.(.zz.) Did we ever hear that Cod preferved the lives of wicked meo in Inch a way ? No fooner were Daniell accufers call into the Lyons Den, but theLyons had the Maf:ery of them, and brakeall their bones inpieces,e re ever they came to the bottomeof the Dzo,(v.24.) The Lord dothnot preferve the lives of the wicked, by miracu- lous ananifellationsofhis Power and Glory. Sixthly, I anfwer, Though forne wicked men are commonly preferved, as other men, yet many by their wickednefs, haften their ruine, and fhorten the number of their dayes. We may diftinguifh of wicked men ; Fire#, wicked men may be taken is r a General notion, for all that are unconverted,and unregenerate.. Many perfonspafs for honefi and good men in the world, whoyet are wicked, being carnal, andabiding in aRate of nature > wicked men of this fort, are ordinarilypreferved. Secondly, Take wic- ked men (and fuch I conceive the Text efpecially intends) for notoriouswicked men, fuck as are murderers, blafphemers, &c.' theLord Both not preferve thelives of fuch,but lets mansJuttice felzeupon them, ordivine vengeance overtake them (Pjal. 55. 23. ) 7be blse1-thirfy! ma. ¿e,eitfulgroan Pia net live eat halfhis dajes; that is,he fhall not livehalffo longas he aniphr,according to theconrfc of Nature, bectufe of his nefarious Sinful courfet. Hifloriesare full of. dreadful Tragedies, felling to this Truth, with theblood anduntimely death of grofsoffenders. How of- ten have we Peenor heard of the Vengeance of God following and falling upon thofe that were (jgnanter) notoriouflywick- ed ; and of tildeweare efpecially counderhand the Poynt and Text, Heprefervethnet the Is/eofthe wicket. Takethis Inference from all that bathbeen Paidabout thisawakening Obfervation ; Hazyfag is theEftefa wiskol mom !'indeedof anyman on skit fde the Line of grace , but efpecially of any very wicked man ! He can fcarce be laid to live, whole lifeis not rferved by God ; awicked minis alwayes in death, feeicQw";od Both not preferve his life. The 4010107401 faidbe was ,. Deathsoftsn, bne