Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 36. erfn Expoftion upm the Boo% of JO s. Verf, 6. 19 3 but God had as often.preferved his life ; but they are in Deaths alwayes, whole life God never preferveth. VVhac prefervation of life can he have, who hath not God for his preferver ? God in Creationor Propagation giverh us our life as to being ; but Pre- fervation gives us our life as to well being. Can it be well with them that are not under the preervarion ofGod ? To be redeem - èd by (Thrill would be but a fmall comfort, unlefs we were al,o° preferved by him. ( 7ude 1.) To them that arefaoll,fed by God the Father, and preferved in jefusCbr fl, and called. If we were only redeemed fromdeath, and not preterved in life, what were our îpiritual life to us ? So I may fay in re,fpeCt of the life of the body ; to be meerly created or propagated, what is ir, if we are not preferved ? Tis a high Pri)iledge, when a man car, not only fay, he hash received life fromGod, but his life is preserved by God. That's the firfi poynt. He preferveth not the Life of the wicked. Again, From that other Interpretation of the words, as not to preferve is as much is to deflroy and ruine, Note, As Godutterly difowneth, fo he will at 14 utterly ruine alt wicked men. He not only doth not favour them,bur pours out fury upon them, ( Jer. a(2. a 5.) Pour out thyfury upon the Heathen that know thee not, and upon the Families that call not on thy Name. The Pro- phefie of Ifaiah fpeaksnobetter concerning them than that prayer of Jeremy. (Ifa. 3. 2%) Wo unto thewicl¿ed, it 'hall be ill with hire, for the reward ofhis handfhall be given him. And what can the hand of a wicked man earn ? the wages of fin is death ; h can get nothing but wrath, and death, nothing but tribulation an an- guitli here, and eternal mifery hereafrer,by the workofhis hands. VVoe to the wicked, for the reward of his hands fhall be given him, that is, eternal deliruClìon and forrow'hall be given him, according to the iniquity of his hand. AF,odly man is rewarded according to the cleannefs of his hands (Plat. tg. 20, 24.) He labours to keep his hands, (muchmore his heart clean, whatever die VVortd judge of him) But woe to the wicked when God giveth them the reward of their hands, of their unclean, foul and filthy hands e fo: what can fuchhands get or p:ocur.e by all their C c labour