194 Chap. 36. an Expfition upon the Bookof Jo B. Verf. 6. labour but cheir.ownmiCchief and forrow ? There is nopeace, faith , my god, to the wicked, (11.a. 57. a r.) No peace is to them, b- caufe no good is done by them a their portion l) es in promiCeF, who keep Commandements, fo theirs mutt needs lye in threat- nings, who do nothing but break them, or break them in all they do. Mymeditation ofbinsfhall befreer, Iwill keglied in the Lord, (laid David, PCal. 104. 34.) As if he had faid, I know that I and every Godly man,ilaall receive fo much good from the Lord, that ir dock me good at the heart to think of it : But as for the wicked, I can fore-fee (as we fay) with halfan eye, how ill ir will be with them, and Co let it be ; I mull fubfcribe to, and vote with the righteousjudgement of the Lord againfi them (ver.35. ) Let theflows c confurnedout ofthe Earth, and let the wicked be 710 more.. Lafily, Confider thefe words, Ilepreferveth not the lifeofthe wicked, with refpeCI to the wicked, rpecially intended andcreat- ed of in this Context, The Lord is mighty, and defpifeth not the mighty (becaufe they are mighty) he prefervethnot the wicked. Hence Note ; Wicked men,. bowmightylaver, cannot preferve themfelves, nor dodo the Lord undertake. for their prefervation. The frongefl of wicked men, cannot (land by their own slrength, they cannot proteóì nor preferve themfelves, and the Lordwill not put forth his arength topreferve them from falling. As no mightinds, no power can bear man up, or maintainhim againB the Lord, fo not without the Lord ; if he prefervethnos the life of the wicked, they cannot efcape death anddeflru6litìn, though high as Cedars, and thong as Oakes. They cannot but perifli whomGod preferveth nor. Hepreferveth not the life of she wicked, But givethright to thepoor, Or ti:t the opted. Poverty it felf iq a great affliCtion, and tifit. raupeas di. ally the poor are affliaed by others. Here is a fecond inflance of Gods goodneffe in the exercife of his power and might. As He preferveth sot the life ofthe wicked, Sohegmeth right to-the poor; as he deflroyeth wrong-doers, fo he will do right to thofe that ftiffer . wrono D Every word is confiderable, Firfl, Hegivstk ; that's