C:tap, 36. an E.tpoftren upon the Book of J o 8. Verf. 6. '95 that's an a5t of bounty: Secondly, Hegiveth right ; that's an as of equity. And that Thirdly, 7 o the poor ; that's an ate of pity andcharity. Further, When 'cis Paid, Hegiveth, that implyes, Fir{+", a pre- lent or tpeedy as ; Secondly, a con'tant and felled courfe of aBeing. As the wordgiveth imports, that the Lord doch it now, and doth not put it off to hereafter only ; fo it likewise inaportech that the Lord will do it hereafter, as well as now. Hegiveth Right to thepoor. The poor fuller wrong, but the Lord comes, and gives then t right, or rights them, and that in a twofold notion. Fi:I+, He gives them that right which is due to them, according to his own righteous Laws, or the righteous Laws of mer. That's light done, which isdone according to a righteous Law. Secondly, HL giv- eth them that rightwhich is due to them according to the its- .. tegrity of their own hearts and wayes. We may fay, Thirdly,The Lord giveth them right, not according to the f+rianeffe of the Law, but according to the integrity of their hearts. Thus DP- vid prayed (Pfal, 7. 3.) fudgeme,OLord, according to my righte oufneffe, and according to mine integrity that is in me ; that is, according to my hone(+ meaning, and the Ellipticity of my Soul. As if he had laid, O Lord, do me right ; men have done me wrong, they havefal fe and wrong apprehenfions of me, they raife falfe re- ports concerning me, but thou,0 Lord,who 6nowe(l nay integrity wilt judge me accordingly, and'tis my humble and earneft Prayer that thou worsldeft. Hegiveth right To the poor. The poor in Scripture are taken two wayes ; Firf+, as they [land in oppoítïon to the rich; Secondly, as they are opped to the proud ; thus here, he giveth right to the poor, as Well as to the rich ; and he will efpecially give right to the hu :nble poor, to the righteous poor, to the poor in fpiric. Such the Prophet fpeaks of Ufa. 66.2.) To this man will I loop , even to him that id poor. He means not the poor in purfe (as fuch) he means not chafe (as loch) whowear poor cloaths, the Lord doth not always look to, or refPea fuck poor, for many fuch are both proud and wick- ed buthe looks' tohim that is poor in fpiric, or of a contritefpi- Cc2 rit;