Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

r95 ,Vert. 6. anExpaftion :Ion the Book cfJ_ E. Chap.36. rit; let fuch be in Rags, and lye upon the Dunghil, the Lord will look to them ; and he bath a threefold look for them. Fire,, A look of honour, as reípc6ting their Perlons. Secondly, A look of ca e, to fupi ly their wants. Thirdly, A lookof jutlice, to de- liver them from wrong. And if they that are poor in fpirit, be rich alfo in the world, they (hall not fail to receive right from the hand. of the Lord. The Lord giveth right to all forts óf men again;# their wicked oppreifors; but his poor, the Godly poor, believing poor, thofe that are poor not only in pttrfe,but in fpi: ir, are more peculiarly under this priviledge, of being righted by the Lord: And u.uaily in Scripture, the word poor is taken ina Plomen piupe- good fence, for good men, as the word rich, in an ill fence, for rig in botnim evil men (Jam. S T .) Go to nowle richmen, weep and howl for fmuüí'po uug- themiferies that(hall come uponyou. The Apoftle fpeaksas if that l p'P ¡,wUei. were the cafe of all rich, , or as if hecalled all rich men to weep- ingand howling, &c. Yet Tome poor men are wicked, and fume rich menare righteous ; and therefore I conceive the wordpoor may be taken here for any wronged or opprefled poor, l'er efpe- cially for the Godly poor. For though Godgi'eth right to all men, even the wore of men,- yet here the fcope of Elliott is to thew that God takesmolt careof tholewhom the wicked do molt, not onlyneglect, but injure and opprefï, Hegiveth right to the poor. . Hence Note; Thepoor, of eciafly the Godly poor, are often wronged, andgk by the worfi in the world. O: thus : The psor, at poor, ufuallyfufer from, andby the world. As the world isapt to oppretfeanypoor , fo moftly the Godly poor, (Pfd. sal g.) For the tppreffionofthepoor !riillarife. 'Tis pofliblea rich man may be otpp effect, a mighty man may beop- preffed by onemightier thanhe ; but uîually the poor are op- prefted,and they trampled on, who are already underfoot. And therefore the Lord f?ith, For the oppregroxofthe poor,far the figh- ing ofthe reerly, nowwill Iarife,andfee himat fafety from him that puffethatkim. This isnot exclufive, the Lord will arife for the helpof the rich and great, when any fuch are wronged ,; hilt he as laid to arife for the help of the poor, as intimating that the poor feldooe come by their right, or find help in the world, unleife God