atioransooreroaavelo. chap. 36. an Expofition upon the l;ookofJo B. Verf. 6. 197 Cod arife to help them, or help them toit ; andbecaufe he bath fail he will help them to their right, we may be fare he will. Davids Faith was (bong; upon this promife, (Pfal. 11. 27.) Thom wilt fave the 4fli ledpeople. (Pfal. 7 a . 4.) He f7alf judge the poorofthe.People. (Pial. r40.12.) 1 kr;ow that the Lord will maintain the caufeof theafflrá'led. And his Experience was as. clear, as his Faith was ffrong (Pfal. 37.2g.) ( havebeenyoung, and now am old,yet haveI notfeen the righteous forfaken ; that io, I have often, yea alwayes feenNina helped one way or other ; and fometimes fet on high fromafiiion, (Pfal. 107. 4 r .) The Lord Gareth fo forthe poor, as if hecared for none elfe and the belt of the poor are little cared for by any, but the Lord. (Zeph. 3. i 2.) Iwill alp leave in the midfl ofthee an atflilled and poorpeople, and they (halltroll in the Name of the Lord. The rich of this world trull to creature helps, but as the Lords poor know they ought not to trufl in creature help, fo they have it not to trua to, and therefore they trua in the Name of the Lord, not only out of choice (which is their graceand duty) but out of necefhty. And what will the Lord do for them that trua in him, nor onlyout of necellìty but choice ? he will furely take care of them, and do them right. Secondly, Note; God rïghts the peor freely. He giveth them right, he doth not fell it-. What freer than gift ? They need not bribe for ir. As he freely giveth them the Righteoufnefleof his Son to juaifie them; fo they have common right of free gift ro relieve their. NoteThirdly ; The Lord relieves, or rights the poorfpeedily. Hegiveth, impiyetha prefent aét,and that doubles the mercy. Note Fou-thiy; God will always right thexwrorgedpoor. He giveth, imports evena continued adi; as hedid it in for- mer tithes, in the dayes of old, fo he doib it at thisday, and will do it always. As the Lord giveth right: fpeedily, fo conaantly, withhim. is no variablenefre or fhadQw of turning. Moa men de, right