98 Chap. 36. vein Expfitioa upon the Book of J o a. Verf. 6 rig only by fits, but theLord is ever giving right. Laffly, He giveth right to the poor,not to this, or that poor mar, but to the poor. Hence Note ; The Lorddiflribastes right to all that are wronged, As his Mercy, fo his Jtt{lice is not confined to a few, but low- ethcut to all. But it may be obje&ed,why then arefomany poor without their right ? If the Lordgiveth right,and giveth it continually, and im- partially, why do-the poor cry, and figh, andgroan, andmourn ?'rohy fee wefo many tears ofthe poor 3 If they have right, why do they complain ? I anfwer, Firf}, The Lord giveth right to the poor, fometimes,whett-the poor perceive it not. (Pfal, 97, a.) Clouds and darlenejj'e arerinsed about him, Righteoefseffe and judgement are the habitation ofhis Throne. When a man cannot fee th4 Lord'doing righr, yet she Lord doth right. The Sun fhineth when eclipfed or covered with aCloud. The Lord never ceafeth to right the poor, though neither poor nor rich perceive how, or which way he Both it. Secondly, I anfwer , He giveth right to the poor, evenwhen they want righr, or when they are under the Coreff opprelfìons,by fupporting their hearts in this perfwafion, that he will give them right. The poor have right when their minds are fatisfied that they (hail have right. There is no true Godly poor man in the world, how much foever affli&ed, but his heart is, or may be fatis- fied, that he mall have right. That'sa lure word`(Pfal. 9. 18.) The needy /hall not alwaysbefo.rfvtten, the expeilatìon of the poor (hall nit perifhfor ever. Andtherefore we may pray with confi- dence, Forget not, 0 Lord, the Congregation ofthy poor for ever, (PCal. 74, 19.), The poor may ref in this affurance, while their troubles re(} upon them, that God will bring forth their Righteoufnefe as the Light, and their 3urigement as the Noon day, (Pfal. 37. 6.) He bath right, who believeshe /hall have it ; as he that believeth,.batheverlaffing lifein hope, longbefore heat- tains the poffeffion of ir, (John 3. 36.) Thirdly, Though we fay,The Lordgiveth right to the poor, both fpeedilyandconíiantly, ' yet he refervethwhimfelfa liber- ty