Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chau. 36. e/n Expfirion repo; theBoak,of J o 2. Verf. 6. ty as to time, and means, and manner ; as in all his outward Ad rniniftrations, fo in minifying or giving out this right ; the Lord waits to be gracious, till we are ready for his ;race, and he waits (in the fame fence ) to be righteous, till the poorare ready for their right ; they (hall not flay for it, when once they are ready for it; and it would be a wrong to them to have their right, be fore they are ready for it. Laflly, There is a day fpoken of, wherein the Lordwill do all his poor right in the view of all the world, ( 4EIs 17. 31.) ¡le bath appointed aday in the which hewill judge the world in Righ- reoofr4effe, by that man whomhe bath ordained. The dayapproach- eth,wherein the Lord will judge theworld in righteoufnefs. Right isprepared &defagned for them.The tiìtie till right (hall bedone to all, as is defired, or to the utmóft of their defies,maketh haft He that(hall come, +ill come, and will not tarry; Behold (faith he) I come quickly, andmyreward-is with me, togive every malt accor- ding as his works fhall be, (Rev. 22. 12.) And if the Lord come with a reward inhis hand for chafe who have done well, he will undoubtedly come with right in his hand to give all thofe who have fuftered wrongfully. 199 JOB,