Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

200 Ver¡. 7. an Expofition upon the Bock of J o B. Chap. 36 JOB, Chap. 36. Verf. 7. He withclraroeth not his eye; from the righteous : but with Kings are they on the throne, yea, he Both ejtablifh them: for ever, and they are exalted. TJ. His verle contains a further confirmationof Gods righteous and gracious dealing with the tigkteous and gracious poor ., yea, with all that are righteous and gracious. The words maybe rIken, either ina firi6}er or in a larger fenfe. , Firfi ,, StriUly, as an Expofition of the latter part of the former verfe , Hegbveth right to the poor, that is, He withdraueth nct bis eyes from the righteous: We may put both together, He is fo fit togive right to the ri hteoue poor,he takesfuch care of thern,that be cannot take his'eyeofrorn them. Secondly, In a largerand more general fenfe, as a Conclufion . upon the whole Matter, that, Godwill not defert any righteous per fon, whether poor or rich, high or low, God will take notice ofpiety andgodlinefs,wherefoever be finds it, Hewithdrawetb not bis eyesfrom the righteous. 3311 minuit, The word which we translate withdràweth , and is here ufed diminuir, ade- negatively, He withdraweth not, f+gnifies, flrialy in the Noune, o,it,fuJ1roxit, any kind of abatement or diminution, and in theVerb , to dimi- nifh, or abate, or take fhort inany kind that which was before. When Pharaoh ( Exod. S. 8.) gave out a frefh Charge for bur- dening, or indeccl,oppreffing the Childrenof Ifracl in their bon- dage, the Order ran in this (life ; The tale of bricks which they did make heretofore you ¡hall layupon them, you !halt not diming,' or withdraw any, you (hall not abate them a brick. And L.4ofes ;hewing how facred a thing the Word of God is, ( Dent. 9. 2. ) gives a double check or prohibition to all medlers with it : Firf}, to =diets by way of addition, Te flaall not add unto the Word : Secondly, by way of abatement, or abdra&ion, Te ¡hall not dioti ni¡h, or withdraw from it : it is this word ; As if the Lord had faid, Every tittle ofmy word ¡ball fand by it felf, and every Iota be eJlabli/it ; before that ye put nothing to it , that you withdraw uothint