Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 36. e/In c".Lpofitian upon the Ns,Okof j o g; Verf. 7. 20 Ñothixgfrom it. Further, this word which we tranflate wit sdr4Y, is rendred al.o to clip, as the hays of the head or beard is clip', (Ter,48. 37. ) It is indeed high treafon «gainlfl the King of Hea- ven, to clip his coyn, his word, which bears the royal tlam,) and fuperfcript ion of his truth and bolinets. Thus here, he withdraw- eth not, that is, the Lord loth nor abate, leiren, diminif t, ór rake offhis eyes from the righteous, his eyes are fixed rn r. he for good alwayes,and they are alwayes fixed in the fame fireng; h and ves- tue ; He withdraweth not Hi4 eyes. God is 'aSpirit without parts and pafüons, yet Often in Scrip- tore parts and paffions are afcrihed to him in aîlufion to man, here eyes, Fie withdrarateth not his eyes, that is, his fight, or his a oleo do,xt:E providence. And we may rake notice,thar inScripture,where thisedre ftp:r ah- expreffion is ufed without any further addition, it is alwayes ta- gum í adt all- ken to a good fenfe. When we read either of Gods keeping F.i :temper ín ho- eyes upon his people, or of his not withdrawing his eyes from his uo fu niter r people, it alwayesrefpe&s their priviledge, benefit and coax- pesulisreroejus fort ; He withdraweth rot his eyes favorehz et cu. run unportat. From the ri hteooes. Told: He Both not fay, from this or that rightecu; man , but from the righteous, implying the whole kind or generation of the righ- teous. The indefinite is univerfal ; we may render it thus;-he withdraweth not his eyes fromany that are righteous. The righ- teous here may be taken in a two-fold notion, FirfA, for,the righ- teous, as to their (late, or who are in a Elate of righteoufnefs. Man wanting a righteoufnefs of his own, hath the righteoufnefsof another afligned and imputed to him. Ju lified p :rfons through faith in our Lord Jefus Chrif+, are righteous perons, as hash been (hewed heretofore. Secondly, We may take rtght coros here, wire refpe& to the righteoufnefsof their wayes and acirons r -They rv; o do righteoufnefs are righteetts, faith the Apofile John. To a righte- rsRate, there belongs a righteous way, a righteouswall,, righte- ous a&ing ; not that the righteous donot fie, but they would nor, nor do they fin at all as the unrighteous. Ir is a high blemia, or Elaine to the Golpel, when any that pretend to a righteous Rate, or to righteoufnefs by Jefus ChriR, are not righteous as to Their D d waves