SQ a Chap. 36. nEapofLion upon the Back of J o B. Vert. 7. waves and courfe, as to their walkings and workings, whether to- wards Gad or tnau. ' fis true, in a flri& legal lenfe , none are righteous, no not one ; but in a Gofpel fenfe all jutlified and fau&ifïed perlons are righteous; and they, are called fo, not only po5tively as to what themfelves are,but comparatively,as towhat the men of the world are, who live in a (lace or walk in a courte offin and unrighteoufnefs. The Lord withdraweth not his eyes `iron the righteous. But force may here obje& or qttIlion, Is this true onlyof the righteous? Both the Lord at any time withdrawhis eyes from the unrighteous ? truly that would be very good newel to many un- righteous perlons, they would be glad that they and their way njight be hid from God, or that God would not look upon them. I anfwer, This Scripture is not tobe foundertiood, as if God did behold the righteous and not the wicked, for (Prow, r 5.3.) The eyes of the Lordare every where , beholding the evil and the good, whether things done or perlons doing them. The Lo-d doth not withdraw his eyes from the moti unrighteous perlons, nor from any of their aEs or waves of unrighteoufnefs. And when it is laid here , The Lordwitldraweth not his eyes from the righteous,it is meant of a peculiar eye, which the Lord hath upon the righteous ; he beholds both therighteous and the unrighte- cus, yet he cloth not behold the unrighteous, as he beholds the righteous ; which I {hall clear further by giving in a five-fold difcovery, what that eye of the Lord is which is upon the righte- ous, foure of which are di11in6 and totally differing from that 'eyewith which he beholdeth unrighteous men, and from every one'of them I tlrail give you an obfervation for our further profit- ingby this general affertion , that the Lord witbdraweth not his eyesfrom the righteouo. There is a five-fold eye of God fpoken of in Scripture. Fire/ , There is a difcerning eye, that eye bywhich he uner- ringly knoweth what every man is, and what every man doth. Hence note ; The Lord takgthexai and full notice of , he clearly Iifserns the righteous in every condition. This is true allo of the unrighteous; therefore David puts it urnver-