Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 36. e/dn Expofstion capon the Book of Jos. Verf. 7. 20 3 univerfally, ( It . 4.) His eyes behold , his eye-lids try the children of glen, that is, his fight difcover and difcerns what they are, of what fort foever they are. We may fee many men, yet not difcover what they are,t hey may have a faire outfide to our view, whilefi within they are foule and full of rottennefs ; theymayap- pear in Sheeps cloathing, yet inwardly be ravening Wolves. But the Lords eye is a tryingeye, he doth not only know who men are, but he knows what they are. Such is the importance of that Scripture, (Heb.4.1 3.) All things are naked and ma ,. ifei to his eyes, with whomwe have to do; that is, the Lord loth fo behold things and perlons, that he bath a clear underaanding of them. And though the Lords eye be thus upon all men, yet this is fpe- cially affirmed of righteous men, ( ?fai. 33. t R. ) Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him , andhope in his mercy. Again, (P fal. 34. r i.) His eye is over the righteous. Both texts teach us, that God confiders not only what they do, but as I may fay, how theydo, whether it be peace with them, or whether it be trouble with them, whether it be joy with them , or whether it be forrow with them, the Lordseye is over them, to difcern,not only whether, and how they go, but how things gowith them. Secondly , The Lordbath a directing or acounfelling eye. Hence Note ; The Lord with his eye favourablypities, direils, and connlels righteous men. This eye of the Lord, as it denotes favour, is peculiar to the righteous. We have that exprefly, (Pfal. 3 a. 8. ) I will inflrnli thee, and teach thee, (how ?) Iwill guide thee with mine eye. We put in the Margen, Iwill counfel thee, that is, thee a Godly man, a David, fpoken of ( v. 6, 7. )mine eye flail give thee counfel. Men can give dire&ion by the eye, and they that are acquainted with them, underf}and what they mean when they look this way or that way, thus or fo. Solomon faith, A naughty perfon winketb with his eyes, hefpeaketb withhis feet, he tcacheth with his fingers, (Pro. 6. i 2, I 3.) that is,all the pollures and geflures of his bo- dy, thewwhat he is, [lark naughr, and fluently teach others to be naught. The holy God alto teacheah byhis feet and fingers, his goings and doings, his workes and wayes teach us the work which we fhould do, and the way wherein we Ihould go ; he bath a pro- D d 2 viden-