Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

204 ....Rainer....... Chap. 36. an .Eqo2isn opus the Book of j o B. Verf.7 vidential eye ; the looks of providence give counfel to thole who know how to lock upon them, and interpret them. The Lord bath a providential eye upon the righteous, no: only to forefee their dangers,hut todàrect their courfe ; he theweth them their way, and their work by this eye;he tells them what pleafeth him, and what difpleafeth hi.n,by this eye ; this eye the Lorddoth not withdraw from the righteous; Ile willguide thefeet of his Saints, (t Sam. 2. 9.) 'Tis poffiible for a righteous man fometime to be without counfel, hemay neither know what counfel to give him- fell, nor what to take from others ; as Jehofhaphat faid in his freight (2 (hron. 2 o. a a. ) Ile knoweth not what to do; yet (as ehofl.'aphat laid then) his eyes are towards the Lord, and the Lords eyes are towards him. When he is thus counfellefs, there is a counfelling,a dire&ìng eye ofGod upon him;thoughhe at that prefent know not his way, yea, be out of his way, yet he is not out of Gods eye,and that will in due time thhewhim his way,or bring him into his way again : though God fuffer him to go out of the way, yet the eye of God is upon him, even when he is out of his way, and that eye will reduce and bring him back to his right way. There is a dire king, a counfelling eye of God. Tkirdly , The Scripture fpeaks of a pitying and a compaflïo- nating eye of God. It is ordinary with us to hear thole that are in diíkrefs cry out to thofe who pars by, cafi an eye upon o , Iookupcn us; and that is as much as to fay, pity us, have compaflion upon us ; this eye of pity the Lord doth not withdraw from the righ- teous. Hence note ; The righteous are under the cornpafonatina, the pitying eye ofGod. When the people of Ifracl were in Egypt, the Lord laid to ciektofes, (Exod. 3. .y.) 1haveforay fcew the o f talon of my peo- ple ; and what kind of tight was that ? what eye of God was it which was upon them ? the words following, and the whole feries of Gods dealings alto dear it, that it was an eve of compalfion ; Ihave farely feen, orfeeing Ihave feen the ti f Wion of my people that are in Egypt , &c. and I am come down to deliver them. We read in that notable place, ( Gen. 16. 14.) when Ilazar was id a very fad anddiareffed condition, being call out of Abrahams family,