Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap 3 6. to Expofition upon, the Book of ,] e B. Vert'. 7. family, God had compaffiion onher,and (hewed hera Well,whera fhe might have water for her felf and child, and the text faith,She called the name of the Well Beerla-harroi, that is, the wellofhim that liveth andfeeth me : As if (he had faid, Godbath feen meinmy oilliïled condition , and he bath alto had compafox on me. That s another great priviledge, the righteous are under this pitying and compafl-ionating eye of God ; and from thence follows, The fourth eye of God, bus providing eye, bis caring eye. Hence note ; The Lord loth fo eye the righteous in their fi raits andofïitPions with companion, that lee atfo provides to deliver then; out of their affiiiion, out oftheir ftrattr. There is a providing eye of God continually beholding his peo- ple : Of.his providing eye Abraham fpake, (ben. aa. I 4. ) when be was put upen that hard task,the facrificing of his own fon, his Ifaac, theLord had compaffiion onhim, and provided another fa- orifice, and therefore he called the nameof that place, Jehovah Treh, the Lordwill fee or provide ; that is, as.the Lord bath Peen . and provided for me, fo he will fee and provide for all his in, their greatefl exigents andextremities. What Abraham faid , all the feed of Abrahammay fay in the day of their difirefs, Jehovah Jireh, the Lord willfee and provide. And as the Lord hack a feeing and a providing eye for his in times of difirefs, fo at all times. (Mores faid of the Land of I/rael, ( gout, t 1. 2.) It is aLand ofhills and of valli'es, a Land which the Lord thy God careth for from the beginning t Abe tiesofthe Lord thy God are almayes upon it, f o of the year, even unto the endofthe year. The eyes of che Lord are upon the land, that is, upon the people of the land, or upon the land for the peoples fake who dwell in it : What to do ? the text answers, to care for it, thatis, to provideall things for their good, to give raine in feafon, and the £rails of the earth,not only f07 the fuppoct,baat còmfort "of his people. We read of the fame eye promifed to the people of lfrael in the Land of their captivity,. Ter. 29..6.) I will fet mine eyes eyon them for good , and I will bring them again into this Land ;I will not only give them a look, or a glance, but fix orfet mine eyes upon themforgood, that is, to do them goòd. It is a proverbial faying amongfl us, The Mafhers eye fattens the Horfe: TheMafiers eye is acaring,a providing eye, 205