ao6 Chap. 36. an Expfitiorc opon the Book of J o B. Verf. 7. In oculk al- quern geflare, eft env; vehe. rraenter ample- £li P? dil,gere. he will take care that the Horfe (hall be well fed. Certainly, Gods eye is a fattening eye ; they (hall be fat and flourish, fain whom Good will not withdraw his providing eye , at leaff they (hall have neceffaries, or food convenient, both for (tint and body. Fifthly , The Scripture (peaks ofadelighting eye, or of an eye of complacency; and thus alto the Lords eye is upon the righte- ous, he beholdeth them with high content, he is, is I may fay, taken with them, (Ifa« 66. a .) 7e him will I look that is poor. Among allobje&s, none fo pleafant orpleafingtoGod as the poor. What poor doch he mean ? finely the righteous poor, or the poor in fpirit, (as was (hewed upon the former verse) let . fuch a one be whomhe will, to him will Ilook, mine eye isgreatly pleated to behold Inch a one. The word ufed by Elihu in this Text, doch further clear it, while he faith, He withdraweth not his eyes from the ri1hteosu. How pleafant is anyábje& to our eyes from which we cannot withdraw or take them off, but muff be continually feeding them upon it ! Some cannot take off their . eyes from unlawful( wanton obje&,becaufe they are fo delighted in them, they have as the Apofile Peter (peaks , eyer full ofadul- tery, and fuch can never glut their eyes with adulterous obje66s. Now certainly the Lord is exceedingly taken with the beauty, the fpirïcual beauty ofa righteous perfon, with the comlinefs ,the fpirituáll comlinefs of thofe that are godly , when the Text faith, Hewithdraweth trot his eyes from them , but carries them (as it were) alwayes in his eye. Among theLatines,to carry one in our eye is an expreffion of fingular high content, delight and pleafure taken in fuch a perfon.We may fayof all the righteous, the Lord carrieth them in his eye, and therefore he is highly pleafed and delighted with then?. Thus you have this five. fold eye, which the Lord doth at withdraw from the righteous; and,in that the text faith, he doth not withdraw or abate or dimini(h his eye from them, but looks fullyupon t hem , it gives us this fixth note ; The infpettion of God upon, biscornpafon towards, his care of, his delight in thertghterusisperpetual. Though God doch afflió, yet he never ceafeth to love or care for his people, Elibnwas muchupon thar,indu(lri©ufly to,remove the