Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

ae8 Chap. 36. e,/fnEwpof:t-ion upon the Boo's of J o B. Verf. 7, And if that othvt fort of Scriptures (hould be objeaed againfi his perpetual watching over the righteous, o: that he never with- draws his eyes, which fay, hehideth h:a face, and turns hin1elf away from them. I anfwer, Thofe Scriptures are all of them robe underflood according toche former interpretation, the Lord hid- eth hime(f, as to fenfe and prefent appearance, but he never hid- eth himfelf,as to the real continuance of his love and care towards his Church or People. This Objec ion fore made toone of the Ancients ; the Lord (faid they) mayfeem tov.i;hd :a;vhis eyes from the righteous, becaufe he iufiers them to fall under thé op- Pamulr funs preffion of the unrighteous. No, faith he, The Lord beholds the suncmS°'re- righteo;s.r, though they perifh by the hand of the aaurightevos; yea, picit, nom jsm when it is worfl with them, the Lords Eye is apcn them for good,both præms r, quid to feehow they carry it, or behave them elves in their Su eras, sand cis mYferecor- }' i' ' 1r }f g s ditty reaompen- likZewife toprovide a full reward and recomperce fer them after all fey. Greg: in their f f 'eriugs. foe: Before I pats from this part of the verfe,let me make thefe two Inferences. If the Lordnever witledraweth his Eyes from the righteous, then let the righteotu know their own Priviledge and Mercy. How happy are they upon whom theEyes of the Lord abide alwayes for good I The Lord cannot endure tohave good men out of his Lye, as Parents fay of their darlings, and Princes of their Favou- rites. Ifwe were aifured, that the Eye of a great rnan,who loveth us, were alwayes upon us, if he fhould prornife tohave an eye to us, (That'san ordinary. Promife among men, Iwill have anEye toyou, that is, I will takecare of you ; if we have (I fay) but fuch a word from a man inPower) we think we have got a great revenue ; fuch agreat Lord will havean eye to ms, we have his word, he will root takeofhùcarefromus. How much then fbould we boa[i and rejoyce in fpirir, that the Lord hath Paid, I will al- wayes have a care ofysu, Iwill never withdraw mine eyesfromyea, I will neverleave yea, nor forfake you (Heb.13.5.) As it will be the eternal happinefs of Believers inGlory, alwayes to behold, or fee God, Bleffed are the pure mn heart,fox they [hall fee God ; they have forne light of him here in a Glafs;but they fiaall fee him face to face ; that is, they (hall fee him clearly, as clearly as the crea- ture is capable of Peeing or enjoying him; now (I fay ) as it id thehappinefs of the Saints in Heaver, alwayes to behold God, fo it is the