Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 36'. e./n cxpoftiox upco the ilescl{ of J o8. Verf. 7, 209 thehappinefs ofSaints here on earth, that the Lord doch alwayes be- hold thews, that his eye is never withdrawn from them. Confider therefore,you that are ina righteous fiate, whore a &s and words, and walkipgs, are afro righteous, confider your Privi- ledge, confider what it is to have the Lord Je(us alwayes felting his eye upon you,to have the Lords direLing and counselling eye alwayes upon you, tohave the Lords pitying and corrpartionating eye alwayes upon you, to have the Lords providing and caring - eye alwayes upon you, to have the Lords deligh tug and well- pleafed eye alwayes upon you ; co have the eyesof the Lord thus upon you, and to have them alwayesupon you, what can ye delire more ! Thus 'cis promifed, ( 2 Chr'on. 16. 9. ) The eyes of the Lord run to andfro throughout the whole earth , to thew hirnfelf flrong in the behalf ofthew, whole heart it perfell with him. Ana whofe hearts are perfe& withhim , but the hearts of the righte- ous ? this is their priviledge. Jtfus Chri(l ( Zech. . 9.) is cal - led, Theione,and faith the Text, upon onefrone fhall befevers eyes. There are two interpretations given of that Prophefie;Fir(},thus, upon one/loneflrall be (even eyes, that is,the eyesof all men.,(hall he upon that flone,upon Chritl. Seven is a perfe& definite Number, put for all numbers ; the eyesOf all shall be upon, the ( }one, upon Chrif} although he be to the wicked, or to them that believe not,, a ftun¢btingflorae, and a rockof offence, (t Pet. 2. R.) yet to them that believe he is amolt precious (lone ; and as they are alwayes beholding the beauty of that precious f }one , foJefus Chrift cloth indeed invite all eyes to behold him (Ifa. 65. t.) Beholdme, behold me ; he would have us take off our eyes from all others, and look fleddilyon him. Let all eyes be upon the flone; that's a good interpretation. There is a fecond, which fuits the prefent poynt I am upon fully ; Seven eyes Thal be,upon onefrone; that i,, theeyes of God fba1l be upon Jelus Chrift. This is a promïre made unto him asMediator, when he came in the fle(h, or in cu; nature, to do that great work for us ; Then, faith the Propher, upon onefronefhal be liven eyes ; which (even eyes none the re. fe& knowledge of-God, and la the perfe& ere hat (3ód world have of Chris}, to bear him up through that .. =.:o k of our Red,::nn ia, 'Upon oreProne [hall be fevers eyes; I vt i11 rake ca-e of him , I will provide for him, and I will delieht iii I itri. Ar Yu; (hri f} is ali eye, and J-srusChrill cloth enliehen all eyes, char is, all tlp.t fee, E e are