Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

t2 Verf. 2,, t Expofition uponthe Book of j ò a. Chap. 3 5 unrighteous thing to think or fay God bath, or can do anyun- rig,hteous thing a. Secondly Note, Re that complains that clod deals over-fiverely withhim, or otherwife than is fit, or otherwife thanhe bath deferved, makes himfelfar to his Casfe,more righteous, than God. If we fay a man deals otherwife with us then we havedefer- redat his hands, we judge him, as to thatadion, uneven and un- juil in his dealings. Surely, then, ifwe think or fpeak hardly of the hardefl wayes of God,we (peak and think hardlyof God him- felf. We cannot think well ofGod, unleffe we fay all that he . doth is well done, A thought, that there isbut one twig in our rod snore than is meet, or fir, or more than is good for us, or to think it abides one minute longer upon our backs, than is meet, or fir, or good for us, is to fay, Our righteonfnefe is more than Gods ; yea, 'cis tofay, Our wifdom is more than Gods,and our mercies are more chan themercies* God. Therefore take heed offuch thoughts. Though we cannorfee the righteoufneffe of God in his works, yet we muff fay his wogks are righteous. It can never be right, notonly to fay, Our righreoufneft is more than Gods, but fo much as to fay, Our righteoufnefs is any thing to Gods. Thirdly Note, What we fpeakyafhly, may at any time,be<prefi upon tes hardly, and: isfometimes very uncharitably. It is very ufual with thofe who accule, or oppofe others, to take things doubtful for certainties, their own corjeelures for the.aflerrions of their adverfarie, and every thing which bath a likenetfe to an errour, tobe errour. Eliku might have fpoken d:jpurando more favourably to pb, he might have conflrued his fayings aevendun, ne more candidly than hedid : Had hetaken Yobs words witha grain e.ditfü:adver of Salt (as we fpeak) he needed not to have put fomuch calland fariìperfailure to Wormwood into his own : Had he not interpreted Jobs come rnfequentian abfurdadedu- plaints firi&ly, accordingto the found, or letter, but confidered caress, quib,is, them with his fcope, his aime, and purpofe in fpeakingfo, toge- illungraee- ther with the extreampain of his body, and anguifh of his foul; ' qua in re when he fpake io r he had never given him filch cutting an- F<filzti. Pifc. Avers, But