Chap. 36. q./jn Ea-p9ftion upon the BoA 6f Jo B. Verf. 7, 21 I But ( which is yes more ) with ICr are tl ey en the 7kron:, Thefe wordsfully clear up the ienfe,which i have given of that negative prornife, he withdraweth nbt his eyes from the r; hteotts;_ nangely,that the eyes oft+he Lord are upon the righteous for pod. His is noca bare beholding of them, favours flow from his eyes. When the eyes of Godare upon the righteous, they find the fweet and benefit of i. In the former verle Eliha Paid, God will give- the poor tight, here he faith more, he will give the poor,the righ to©us poor, a reward, and that no final' one , with Kings are they on the Throne,:. The Lavine tranflationreads this part of the verle, not of the Es reges ir- righteous poor, but of righteous Kings ; lie withdrawerh not his Ito (actor in eyes from the rightcues , and be placerh Kings upon the Throne perpetuu a, for ever. That's a truth , the Lord placeth Kings upon their 'ulg' Thrones, and eftablilaerh them there ; but that is not the mean- ing, or truth of this place ; hot will the Hebrew (wi;h any tolera- ble convenience ) bear fuch a tranflation. Secondly , There-are others, who, a little miflaking the word 4,3f which we tranflate Kings , render it Angels ; They are with An- r9eN,(? gels on theThrone. There is but very little difference in the 5g+7s Hebrew between thofe two words` that Ggnifie Icings and Angels, hiercc ( the former is Melachim, the latter Maleachim) which hat h gi- ven occafion for this reading, He plaeeth them with Angels on the Throne and fo the words are interpreted of the glorious ex- altarion of the righteous in Heaven, ( when indeed they tlaa -11 be ,like Angels, Angels Fellows, (Mat. 22, 3 0,) and walk hatîd`iiì hand with Angels.)Mr Broughton though he cranflate(with Kings) yet Teems to carry it in that fenfe, giving his glofle in the Mar- gen, thus ; 7 "heypail be madefit for light with the living, with the Angels of Çcd, his fervants, in their degree, and be placed f:r'ever in honorar and be high in honour and dignity ; fo ye (hall fit upon twelve Thrones, judging the twelve Tribes ofIfrael. But this Text will not ferve that purpofe neither ; and there-ore I dial! take it plainly as we render it , They fleall be with Icings upon the Throne. There is a two-fold interpretation of the words ccLording to tactüAi v.rlet, ac tranflation. flan reges. Fist+, The Lord will exalt the righteous to great dignity, Bold: they Theft be like Kings and-Piinces in this world , or they E e z be (1:77;; set n a s,