Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

ti 14 Chap. 3 5. anExpoftion upon the Boole of Jos® Verf. 3. thee no more that thou art righteous, thanif thou wert the great- eft finner in the world. So thou haft faid,and in faying fo, thou haft faid what I have charged theewith. But here the Quueftion may arife again, as much about the Proof, as about the Charge. When did fob fay, What advantage will it be onto me ? and what profitJhall1 have, ifI be cleanfedfrom my fin ? I atfwer, as he faid not the former words contained in the Charge directly, they were only a collection railedconfecluentì ally by Elihu, fo he faid -not thefe words which are the proof of the Charge expreffely, but by confequences. For the clearingof this,we mutt diliinguiíh of what is meant by pr9fit and advantage, when Elihu faith, Thoufain, what advan- tagefhall it be nato thee, andwhat profit fhallI have, if. the cleanfed frommy fan ? This advantage and profit maybe confidered, Firft, As to hiseternal well-being and falvarion ; Secondly, as to his prefent eafe and confolation. We are not ro under- fland it as if Elihu accufed job for faying, That to be cleanfed fromhis fin, would ba no advantage, no profit as tohis eternal e- flate;that had been impious,and an Atheiflical Speech,croflìng the whole current of Scripture, andoverthrowing the very founda- tion of godlineffe. Take awayeternal reward and punifhmenr, and where's Religion ? where's either the love or fear of God ? His meaning then is, that fob had faid, it would be no profit, no boor tohim for thggprefent, or as to his then condition, if he were cleanfed from his fin. This Elihu might gather from thofe two places (Chap. 9. 22, 23.) This is one thing, therefore 1 faid it, 11e deJroyeth theperfeEh and thewicked. Ifthe fcourgeflay fudden- ly, he will laughstt the tryalofthe innocent. As if Elihu had faid, Thou cani'not avoid this proof of my first Charge ; for he that faith, God deffroyeth the perfeE! and the wicked, that is, the perfect as well as tie wicked, faith alfo in effeE, What profit is it, that am cleanfedfrommy fin? But thou ball laid the former, therefore the latter allo. Again thou haft faid (Chap. 10.1 5.) Ifl be wick- ed,wo onto me, and ifIberijhteour, yet will Inot !ft u.pnsy head. Iamfall ofconfufon, therefore tee thon mine affiiltion ; weigh thy words, Thou haft faid, Wo to rne, ifI he wicked ; andifI be riçs te- osa,(it will not be'mucla better with me) I will no', I dare not lift up myhead, my confufion is fo great. How great foever my in- nocency