Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 3 ç. e)2x Expofition upon the Beek af J ó B. Verf. 3. ( V. 24, 2 S, 26. ) then I underHoad what profit and advantage comes by cleanfing our felves from fin, though to the eye it ap- peare nor, yea though all appearances fpéak the contrary. To be cleanfed from, or to remove fin is profitable and advantagtous Firf} , As to the removal of Judgemenr. When we begin cleanfing work, the Lord ufually makes an end ofaffil&ing wo:k, Fór as one grcat endof fending afl3i&ion, is co cleanfe us from fin, ( Ifa. 27. 9. ) By th 'hall the iniquityof jam!, be purgcd,ard this ¡rail the frreit,to takeaway hisfin; tó our being cleanfed from fin is t;fually the endof cur alit`ìions.When we are cleanfed from fin, we are troubledno more, we fmart no more : fpeak then, Is it no profit to be cleanfed from fin, when fo many, not only per- fons,but Nations have been ruin'd,becaufe not cleanfed from fin? God gave his own people cleannefsof teeth, ( Amos 4. 6. ) that is, famine or want of bread, becaufe of the uncieannefs of their hearts, and lives; and is is noprofit to becleanfed from fin, when for our finfull uncleanneffes God will cleanfe us of all our com- forts, even to a morfel of bread ? ' fis therefore a fpeech both falCe in is fell, and highly difbonourable unto God, co fay, I shall lave noprofit , for !till I'hall fus£r, though I be cicanfed from my fin ; whereas fiifi, there is more profit in being cleanfed from fin, than in beingdelivered from fufferings ; and,fecondly, when once we are cleanfed from fin,we are in the fairell way to be Ilea red from, and fee an end ofall our fulferings. Secondly , The tnore we arecleanfed from fin, the more com- munionwe have with God, and the more peace fromGod. Isnot this a great profit ? a 'profit betides the eternal reward ? a profit far better than any temporal reward ? Will not communion with God fatisfie us for the lofsof friends, of efiate, or health ? Will not peace withGod anfwer all the tribulations we can meet with in this world ? If therefore being cleanfed from fin,we have cl ,fee çomtrwnion and fweeter peace with God, let no man fay , what profit full I have, ifI (re cleanfedfrom myfin ? And,al; houçh there fi,ould be no prefent profit, or advantage, thoughno vi(ible , no nor fpir itual income, as to prefent comfort, fhould redound to us in this world, by being cleanfed from fin, yet remember, it is ()Er profit, and our befl profit to be cleanfed from fin, to be emptied of fin, to mortiñc fin, to defiroy fin ; if we fhould have noprofit in hand by leaving fin, yet there is a profit promifed , that i-nfi- D 2 nitel y