2o Chap. 3 S. E.rpofYion wpox the Book, of J o a. Verf. 3, nicelyexceeds all the profits and pleafures which we can have 'or hope for by retaining our f n fuch profit an j pleafure, as will 'abundantly recomience Us . for all the worldly bites we are at, and penitential forrows which we pals thorow in keeping or clean- fing or felves from lin, The Apatite rejoyced at the forrow of the Corinthians (2Cor. 7. g. ) But is it good to rejoyce at the forrow of others ? we not mourn with thofe that mourn ? ', is true ,we fhould ; yet 'Lisgood to rejoyce in that forrow which doth others good ;fuch was the forrow of thole Corinthians. The Text is exp-efs Now (faithSt Paul) f rejoyce not that ye were madelorry, but that yefarrowed to repentance, forye were made fer- ry after agodly manner (or according to God) that ye might re- ceivedamage b HS in nothing.There is then no damage,no hurt by fuch forrow ; But comes there any good, any profit by it ? yet, much every way ; for (as it followeth, v, to.)godlyforrowwork etb repentance to Privation, not to be repented of ; that is, greatly to be rejoyced in. What ismatter of joy, if falvationbe not ? True repentance for fin, is repentance to falvatio: n And is there not profir,is there not all profit in that ? As there isa Few:tailsopened ( the blood of Chriti) forfinand for xncleannefs (tech: 13. r. ) that is, for wafhing away the uncicannefsof fin; fo there are abun- dance ofbleffings flowing from that Fountain, to all fuch as by the aaings of Faith and Repentance waihh and are clean. Thus far of Elibu's firfi charge, and the proof of it, taken from Toby own fayings.How heanfwers and refutes thofe fayings of rob, will appear in opening-the neat words, J B,