kJ,ap ... 3 T viaExpofition upon the Bool¿,of J o s. Verf. 6. Earth declare his Power; howmuch mere the Cloudsand Starr, of Heaven ? Therefore Look, to the Heavenf, Behold the Clouds, confiderthem, (P/al, i 9.; a.) They declare the Glory ofGod, and theFirmament pherveth his handy-work. If youaskmore particu tarty, vrhat do they declare ? I anfwer, Firlt, That God is; every Creaturecloth fo , if there be a Creature,there muffneeds ba a Creator ; Ifthere be Etfeas, there mutt be anEfficient ;- the made Heavens declare their Maker.. Secondly, The Hear yens declare, not only that God is, but that he is above. Chrift bath taught us to pray, Our Father,wbich art inHeaven; God is everywhere, yet there efpecially; Heaven is the Habitation of his Holineffe, and of his Glory. Thirdly,- I.n the purity of the Heavens, we may fee theholineufe and purity of God; and they being foincorruptible and unchangeable, declare Fourthly, The incorruptibility and unchangeableneffe of God : He that made them fuch, is much morefuch himfeif. The very unchangeable- /24e ofthe Heavens,is changeable, compared with the unchange- ablenefTe of God. The Heavens (faith David, Pfal, r o z. a;,. 6.) are theworkof thy hands they fhdll perifh, but then floats endure (orEland),yea allof them(hall waxold like a Garment : as a l flure(haltthou change them, and they(hallbe changed;but thou art the fame, and thy years (hall have no end. Fifthly, The Hea- venswhich God hath built as a Houfe for himfelf, being fo high, above the tench of the Creature, (hew us that God is infinitely exalted above the reich and tnoleftationof finful man ; that's the thingwhich Elihuaims at, as appears by what_ folloceeth in the next word.. Look to the Heavens, andfee, behold the Clouds which -. are higher than thou. Verf. 6. If thae, fnnefl, what doff thou agarnfl him ? or if thy trappArefons be multiplyed, what doff thou untohim? As if he had laid, When:thou lookef <i to the Heavens, thouplain- lyfeeft thou canfldo nothing againfI them ; it wouldbe a vain thing for thee to attempt the Heavens, to clamberup to theClouds ;fure- ly: then, thyfinnings,thyfrettings, thy difcontents,..andcomplaints cannot hurtGod; therefore be quiet. If thou fnnefl. The word here ufed, notes fin in the lead degree, any error or Rt,n reit deviarcoo