Chap. 3 ç. an Expofition upon the Book of J o B. Verf. b, deviation from the Rule ; but it comprehends fins of the highef} degree,even fuchas the Prophet calls (Amos s.t z.)Mightyfins. If thou finne.f} at the greatel} rate, at the height of blafphemy, What doff thou againft him ? tt.] bon ram TheHebrew is, what warkeft than agairft him ? Properly the rncere, pint tvo:d fignifieth only to wo-k ; we render it by working agatrft, opa,areet lJbo that i ro the hurt and difadvan age of another, to his mnchief Labe, and undoing. As if he had laid, thon itoulde l et thy (kouldtr . v, t,Jboran a , C f y do et adnirendo to the work, ifthou fhouldefl do evil with both hands greedily, yet quid tandem ef- than canfl male no,í+ork ofit in this matter , what daft thon againfl fides quo &urn him ? what hurt bath heby it ? And to allure fob that he bath dddu. Pined. none, nor canhave any, Elihu ferves him up the farne Melle in another Dith of words, in thedole of the verle. Orifthy tranfgreffions bemultipiyed, Here Ehha fpeaksas high, as he meant before. Txanfgreflîng is more than ordinary finning, though ( as was toucht upon the word) under finning hecornprehended any, the moll extraordina- ry tranfgreflings. 1f thy finsbd tranfgreffions, rebellions, or pre- varications, and they be multiplyed, if thou finneíl out of malice and wrathful purpofe againfiGod himfelf ; and deft not only com- mit fome one of thefe, but many, and heapefi them up together, yet &c. '171Er ad n;o- If thy tranfQref ions be multiplyed, The word li nifies both mag lenn puma- nitude and multitude; hence force render, If thy tranferefftons be nmtcam,nunro ogreat; we fay, If theybe many. Sin as much as thou wilt, and fin as ft n as thou.wilt ; fin asmuch as thou cant}, what hurt bath God by it ? Some by fin in the former part of the verle, underfland that evil which is committed immediately againfi God ; and by tranfgrefftans in this latter chufe, Inch evils as are done again!} our neighbour : But I fee noneed at all to be fo dillinJ, we may take it refpedingGod, or man, or both for thofe fins which we commit againfi man, are alto again!} God ; he is the perfonof- fended, his Law is broken,againfl whomfoever the fin is commit- ted. If thou multiply thy tranfgrt fans, What doff tboumoo him ? nitailn.I That word, What daft than ? Lignifies nor only, or nor fo much, (}tong