Chap._ 3 S. an Expof:tion upon the Bockof I o B. Verf. 6. name, and do defpight to the Spirit ofGrace, (Heb.i 0.29.) which is the utrnoil length that fin or lufi can go. Secondly , The na- tureof every fin, or every fin confidered in its nature, isa wrong or a hurt to God ;. for it is an unconformity to his Will, and a breach of his Law Yet as to himfelf God receives no hurt, nor poifibly can receive hurt by any, the foulefi,mofU finful fin. But fo,ne may fay, `Deth not fin damage God at all; could Ellhufay in Truth, what doff thou againff him,:or into him, if thou innef? ? Is fin nothing toGod ? The Church complained, and cr yed out to thole that paned by her, (Lam. r. t 2.) Is it nothing toyou, all ye that paffe by? Are all my efikkions nothing toyou ? Ity not Cod fay much more, Are all your tranfgreflions nothing. unto me ? Are our fins nothing to him ? Is he unconcerned in them ? How can this be ? There are feveral Scripture-Exprefli- ons Which chew cleerly that we domuch againt+ God when we lira, and much for him when we fin nor, or abflain from fin. Firti , When a People , efpecially when a profeffing, Peo- ple, fin, The name ofgood is prophaned and is that nothing -to God ? Is is not againiiCod, to have-his name p-ophaned ? We find the Lord charging this upon his People (E'zek. 36. 2o, 21.) Theyprophanedmj. iame among the fleathen, &c. To prophase thename of God, is tomake it as an unholy, as a common, yea, as a corrupt thing; and is this nothing to God ? Secondly, To fin is to d:fhonour God , 'ris called, A'defpifing of God, (i Sam. 2. 3o.) Therm that Honour me, I will honour ; and they that defpifc nte, 'hallbe lightly effeerned. Is it nothing to be defpifed,tobe di4ionoured ? If a man be defpifed, he thinks himfelf wronged ; lofle of honour is a great lofíe. Thirdly, We find in Scripture,. that fume kind of finning is blafpheming. The Apofile tels the 7ews (Rom. 2. 24..)The. name o f blafphemed among the Gentiles, throughyou : That is, his name is evil fpoken of, a bad report is b;ought upon his name, he hears ill among evil men, among the Gentiles, throughyou, that is, through the unanfwerablenei e of your doings, toyour faying,. or through the unlikeneffe of your praolifes, to your profeflìon. To blafpheme the name of God is to flrike through, to wound the name of God it is fornewhat to a man to have his nameBruck through with the poyfoned Arrows and Darts of reproach.. An iíl tongue falls heavy, -and cuts deep. A biafphemed name is a tongue-