Cä'.35 e./QnE.xpoftttonupon the B,okof JO'.B. Verf.-6. 35 tongue-beaten name: And is this nothing ro God ? Fourthly, Some fins are not only in thernfelves a contempt of Gods but they are committed incontempt of God. When meta fzn..prefumptuoufly, and with a high hand ; when they fin witha command thiningintheir eye , with a threat founding in their ear, they even fend a defiance to Heaven, and bid God do his worft And is this nothing againfl God? nothing unto God ? One of the Ancients writing at large of two Cityes, calleth ore of them, The earthly and unholy City, made by the love of cur A uci felves, even to the loathing and contempt of God. (Love to our 'vitaeDei. felves, riling up co the contempt of God, doth all the mifchief cap. 28. in the world ) The other Cityhe calleth holy and heavenly, and that (faith he) is built by the love ofGod, or whenwe love Godeven to a loathingandcontempt ofourfelves, and of all our own concerts- events, interefis and advantages. When a man comes to love God witha loathing of himfelf, then he is indeed a builder of the ho- ly City And when (inners ael with an inordinate love ro them- felves, they at once call contempt upon God, and build that bad City.; and is this nothing to God ? Fifthly, The Scripture faith, God is angry with fin. A wile man will not be angry with that which is nothing to him, or which doth nothing againíi him a wife man will not be angry for no- thing, much lefl'e will the only wife God. Sixthly, The Scripture faith, god is grieved for the fins ofinett, SurelyGod will not be grieved for that which is nothing unto him. Himfelf faith, (Innersfret him, (Ezek. 16. 4 3.) Thouhaft fretted mein all thefe things. A well tempered man will not fret for that which clothnot fore wayor other a l3ie? him. We read (Ifa. 63. io.) That Ifraelvexed his holy Spirit fo much, that he was turned to be their e?rvy,andfought againft them. And had they done nothing again! him ? Yea, it is Paid (Gen. 6.6 ) Cod was fomuch:affliEled with the finsof the old world, that he repented that hehad made man upon the Earth, and it grieved him at l is heart. Dot;btlefs that is fomewhat toGod, which grieves him thus, and goes tohis very heart-. And let us take heed of think- ing fin is nothing toGod ; though Elihu faith here to fob, what doff thou unto him, if thou ftnneft ? Sin bath done all the mil-chief to man that ever was done him, nor can any thing dohim a mil- chief, but his fin. And though God, as êlihuargueth truly, be a- F z bone