Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

AN EXPOSITION WITH Pra&ical Obfervations CONTINUED UPON The Thirty-fifth Thirty-sixth, and Thirty-feventh Chapters of the Book OF 1 Being the Subftance of Thirty-five LECTURES. By Y 0S E P H CARTL, Minit%er ofthe Goftel. Ro M. i7. 33. 0 the depth of the Riches both of the Wifdvne and Know- ledge ofGod ! How unfearchable are his yndgements, and his Walespaffinding ont ! LONDON, Printed by M. sine ons, and are tobe f>ld at her haute in f i lerfgate ftreet, the r,Lxc door to the golden 424, 166 4.