Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

4o Chap. 3 S. an Expoftion upon the Bou%, of JO B. Ver . 7. Right tofu, or for a mach as thou art Righteous, that is,according to thy own affirmation, yea though God bath laid foof thee, and born that witnefs of thee ) yet what is that to God ? what gïveft thou unto him ? 7taitiatuant. 1f thy converfation were fitch as no blame could be laidupon douni juve- it; thoughno fpot could be teen upon thy garments, after all thy ax,ne tgitur tu- waikings thorough the affairesof this world , yet what giveft thou am vendues ru- unto him ? Surely nothing at all. Some conceive this was a famous foi Chry proverbial Speech amongtt the godly in ehofe times, full of Reve- rence o P eeco g Y and high Efifmation, or rather Admiration of God ; Cf we are R%ghteouo, what is it to God ? or what give we to God ? ( what give/t thou him ? ) The meaning is, thou giveft him nothing. A anum ejl rei gift is the befowing offamegood thing where there is no vbligatian ; licit, nuUo}u. that's a gift which a man is not bound to bellow by any Law of re cogenre me- Righteoufnefs ; Agift is bellowed out of meer liberality,or from ra ti.eraluare a free and bountiful fpirir. Now, faith he, what giveft thou unto fain corlatio. God? What fervice is there in all thy righteous wayes andworks, Ho(lleta. which thou art not obliged to tender untoGod, or which thou arc not bound to do ? ThyRighteoufnefs Both not at all oblige God, for whatfoever good thou doell, thou artunder a command to do it ; there isa Law commanding , yea , compelling thee, if thou fhouldefl refufe ; doell thou performe any duty to God or man, which thou art not bound or ingaged to perform?Surelythou doeft nor, yea thou can't} not. Therefore,what given thou unto God ? Or what received) he at thy hand ? The words are plain, giving and receiving are Correlatives; where there is giving, there is ufually receiving ; and where there is receiving, there mull be giving. Sometimes there is giving, where there is no receiving. When Beltefhazar promifed Daniel. great things, if he could Interpret the hand-writing on the wall, (Chap. s. 17. ) He anlwered , Let thy gifts be to thy[elf, and thy i rewards untoanother. DanelWould not receive his offer :There was giving inpro mile on ieltefhazars fide, but no receiving on Daniels fide. Motft are, fo much for receiving , that they lovethe word Qiue,3s the Prophet taxed and reproved the Rulers of lfrael, ( Hof' 4. i S. ) Her Rulers fhams (that is, lhamelefsly,or of which theylhould be aAiamed , or for which all cry Ihame on them')