Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 33. an ExpoJeion upon the Book, of I o T. Verf. S. great damagewhich fin doth, is to man, to him that teas it to others beforewhom it is a&ed, or towardswFom it isaged. Sin is di(}ributed into two forts, as to its hurtfulneile. Sin either re- ipeF:s our feives in the hurt it doth,orothers,and chafe others are either Godor ourNeighbour ; fin hurts our felves molt, yet fin as it is a wrong oGod, may be Paid to hurt his honour, and d iminiil the manifefiati6tof hisglory in the world , (as bath been Chew- ed before). And finis really a wrong to our Neighbour. There are anumber of fins committed again(} our feives, yea, every lin, though committed againa our Neighbour, hits and hurts our feives; no man can hurt his Neighbour, but he hurts himfeif mot}. So chat, although there are many fins which refpec} others, yet all are againaour felves. Some fins (unbeliefefpecially , and the negleel ofholy duties)hurt our felves only;thereare fins which more properly hurt others, as opprelhion and uncharitableneffe ; there are feveral fins which at once hurt others and our felves. Adultery hurts fell and others too; evil words hurt our felves andothers coo, as the Apofile tells us out of a Poet, (t Cor. t ï. 33.) Evil communication corrupteth good manners ; that is, you corrupt the good manners of others, youdebauch others by unfa- voury fpeeches ; our ill example hurts our felves and others. Our Neighbour is hurt by our fin. Firl}, Byany thing that is a wrong to him, as to his Efate,or as to his Perlon, or as to his Credit:,' Secondly, By the fcandal of it , when we do that which is evil, it hardens the wicked, and makes them go on more fecurely in their fin, and keeps them offfrom the wages of God ; it endan- gers goodmenalfo, and difcourageth them in the duties they owe both to God and man in the profefion of the Gofpe!. Thus fin may hurt our felves and our Neighbours. Thywiclüdnefs may hurt aman ae thou art. But why faith he aman as thouart ? What, a man ju(i of by Co..iplexion, or juf of thy height, Rature, andpitch ? what , a man of thy State and Degree, a man jul} of thy eminency in the world ? certainly no ; but when he fai: h, Aman as thouart, his meaning is; anyman, becaufe all men are in many things alike, theyare all mortal, and f nful, and weak, and apt to receive hurtbythe fins of others. Thus every man is a man as thou art. H Hence 49