Chap. 3 ç. an Expofition upon the Book of Jo s. Verf. 8. hurt toour felves. The cruel ufage of Tyrants, did not hurt the Martyrs; when they burnt them, and imprifoned them,and hanged them, theydid norhurt them, becaufe they were patient under thofe oppreffions, and took their fufferings for Chrifls fake with joyfulnefs. What hurt did the poverty and ulcers of Lazar& do him ? What hurt had Abel by that inhumane cruelty of hisbrother Cain ? What hurt had Padby all his fufferings ? What any of the Saints, by imprifonment, or banishment, by beingfawne afunder, or (lain with the fword? properly no hurt at all. It is out of the power and reach of wicked perfecutors to hurt the Wirneffes`of Chrifl, though they have power to flay them. Steven was (roc hurt when he was (toned, becaufe he freelygive up himfetf. Ina word, take it thus ; Firft, no man ishurt by the fin of another, but as himfetf is pleafedwith,or praaifeth the fame fin ; Secondly,no man is hurt by the temptations of the devil, but as hecontents and yeilds to them;Thirdly,no man is hurt by the oppofitionsand per- fecutions of others, but as he is impatient under them. Thy mock- winefs may hurt a man at thou art, And thy Righteoufnefrmay profit thefon ofman. That is, thy righteous aaions or deeds, may profit theft,. of man ; that is, thy felf,or any man, good or bad. Thofe words,may proft,are not expre(tèd,but'reclearly implyed in the fence of Text. Righteoufnefs tends to everymans benefit, is may help profit thy fell, it may be helpful( or profitable to thofe who are a bout thee, or with whom thou haft to do. Hence note. Firfl, Righteoufnefr, or rigbteortaellivnr, haveprofit in them. Wickednefs turns tomans hurt of it fell, but Righteoafnefs doth profit. Although there be a vafl and wide difference be- tween mans righteoufnefs and unrighteoufnefs ; this latter of it feltdeferving all manner of evil ; and the former, becaufe imper: fe61at r hebell, deferving no good at all ; yet through the bounty and benignityofGod it corrres topafs,that the fmsllefl (iffincere) endeavour after righteoufnefs (hall profit a man as much as his greatefl unighteoulnefs can hurt or damage him. For God who cloth not reward us according toour iniquities, (Pfal. r o 3. r o.) will molt amply reward us according to our righteoufnefs. The H 2. Apofile