Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 3.7._ eyfil Exportionupn the Boot¿ of Jos. Verf. 2 r. bot throw andbear down all before it. The text in hand fpeaks of a comfortable purpofe of God in letting the wind out of hi,Trea- fures, is bloweth away the Clouds which obfirn& thepaAàge of the Light to us : The trend pafJetko and cleanfeth therm. Hence note ; :What-ever fiends in the may of our comforts , God can quickly remove it. WhenClouds cover the light from us, God bath hiswind rea- dy to chafe them away, and clear up the weather. Never did any Such thick and dark Cloud of forrow and trouble hang over the heads, or fill the hearts of the people of God, but he hadmeans at hand todilpelland fcatcer ir,or he could fcatcer it himfelfwith- out means. When dreadful! Clouds ofdanger looked black upon and threatned the Church of God during the Reign of ulian the Apofiaçe, Athanafus faid, It is hut alittle Cloud,a windfwillThom- Nabecuia e]t, ly cicanfe it away. His meaningwas, now we are ompaffed about cifJ tranfibit. with fear and trouble,but peace and profperiry will not flay long before they return. This is true alfo if we carry ityet in a more fpiritual way, as to thofe Clouds of forrow which often darken and afflict our minds in the midi+ of outward profperiry, or in the clearefl Sun- Thine-day of peace thatever was in this world ; when there in- ward Clouds dwell,as it were, upon the foul,the Lord hathawind which paffeth and cleanfeth them away coo. What is thatwind ? it is his holy Spirit. Theword in the text, is ufed often to tïgni- Bolduc:. fie, not only the natural wind in the air, but that divine wind the HolyGhofl, who is compared unto the' wind in many places of Scripture, and his opperations are like chore of the win.i : For as the wind4lowethwhere it lifieth,we bear the found thereof, hut know not whence it cometh, nor whither it goeth ;fo ( faith Chrill) e eve- ry one that is horn of the Spirit (John 3.S.) And as our Regenera- tion is wrought by that fecrer, yet firong and powerfullwind, fo likewife is our confolacion. The Spirit of GodBoth thofe r ffic'es inour hearts which the winds do in the air : As the wind diipclls and fweeps away the Clouds which aregathered there;Co the spi- rit ofGod cleanfeth our foul from thoie Clouds and foggs cf ig- norance and unbelief, of fin and iìf}, which are gathered ir, and wouldaelfeaabide for ever upon our hearts.Prom all there_ Clouds Hhhh the