15o Verf. zi. an E.rpajtion upon the Boob; of jo B. Chap. 37. theholy Spirit of God cleanfeth us in the work. of Regenerati- on : And from all.thofe Clouds which trouble our Cotfciences,, the holy Spirit cleanfeth us in the workof Confolation. Some lnterprerers expound the words only in this myftical . fence, quite rejecting the proper. But though,by allufön,.we may improve the words to this 1paritual-fenfe , yet doubtiefs Elthas (peaks here of the winds properly taken, or of the natural winds, . and their fenfible effe&s ; and fo, according to cur reading, this Text, as it bath been opened, teacheth us what fudden changes God makes in the Air. Now the light is 61M up, or Phut in, anct anon it is let out again,and all by the powerful hand of God, who doth adminifter chete things to us interchangeably,, as hirnfelf pleafeth. Secondly,The texr,according to another reading (which others infift much upon, and conceive pertinent to the fcope of Elibu ism eniae, non ¡,n'.. thus; For now men cannot fee the bright light an the Clouds, vet í iunr(ho- when the windpaffeels and cleanfeth there. MrHHroughton tranffates mines iucti clearly fo his words are thefe and nowmen cannot lcuk uponthe (quum tritida y a ej`tinfuperiori- light, when it is bright in the Air, then a windpaffethand clea»feth hie , it. And then the fence of the wholeverfe is plainly a fetting forth quay ventn of the excellency, or fuperexcellency rather, of the light of the tranftens rur" Sun,. which is fò clear and fplendid that if the Air be but clean- davit. Trap- fed frotxa.Clouds, if it be but a pure' Air.,no man is able to face it Qaáo Sum, p nor his eye dire ly to behold it. Webehold all things by the light of the Sun, but no man can ftedfaftly behold the light in the Sun ; no man can look right up to the Sun, when it caffs forth its (fiery rayes, and (hinesbright upon us. And this fume conceive fo genuine and clear an expofition of the Text, that the light of it may teem to obfcure and darken all others. Now, according to this fecond reading, the whole verfe, with that which followeth,. contains an argument to confirm the former propolrtion,laiddown at the zoth verfe : Ifa man fpeak,..he(hallb 'fwallowed up, that is, if a man come too nigh unto Gott, and beover -bold with him, he Chat even be (Wallowed upofthisbrightnefs 84 that it isfo,I prove Nano peel thus ( faith Efhu) The very light of the Sun, which (nines in the adverfrs aculi. Air,is fobright and fo powerful,thac no man isable to hold up his qitidum fildsn eyes again(i it : And if ro,then from the leffer to the greater, his contueri, qux argument rifeth thus y Ifwhen the Sun rlinethbrightly, noman is ergoferapne- entì3ar Maje able to look upon it, then much left arepee able tobehold the bright are tlei. Jun;.` dlajefpyy