Chat 37. e rn Expofition upon the Book of Jo B. Verf. 21. 6Q 3 1I,jelly of god, or to comprehend his greatnefs. This rendring bath a very profitable fenfe in ir, leading jnb io :eafon thu, wí:h hitn- fedf, Iplainly fee by alt that bath been drfceurfed , -that for amuch as I am not able to bear the brightaefr, which breaks through the Clottdr, nor the noife of Thunder (ofwhicle E1ihu fpañe before) for a much as I arm not able to bear the fiercenefs of a great Rain, nor the coldnefs of the Frofl, nor the impetunufnefs of the wind, nor the vio- lence of a `I'ernpefl, for as much as Iamnot able to bear the clear light ofthe San fhtning in myface, therefore furely I ammuch left able to bear the Majefly and glory of God, ifhe Mould unvaile or o- pen hiwfelfunto me. Thus I lay, Elihu leads fob to an humbling conviction, dint he could not (land before the glorious Majeí?y of God,becaufe he was not able to endure the brightnefsof the Sun piningupan him. If the light ofthe Sun, the Created light, be too excellentfor mortal eyes,then what is rod the Creating light? what is God, whodwelleth in light, who is light, and ;nohow there ù no dark, oefs at ali ?'Tis a Maxime in Nature,A vifsble objeT exceed- wcellens /l?. ing bright, dazles the eye,andeven defiroys the fight. And why was bile 'cifum do. all this fpoken to Job ? Surely to bring him uponhis knees ( as af- Bruit.. terwards it did) to humble him,to take himal-f from his frequent appeals or defires of approach to God for the debate and deter- minationof his caufe. The futm of all in aword is as if Elihu had faid,0 fob,thou cant# not fee thebright light of the Air, ifthe w;nd do bat fan it and cleanfe the Clouds, how then (halt thou be able to difpate thy cattle before God, to whom the mollglorious light of the San, is bat a Cloud, yea but as a clod of earth? The next words car- ry on this conviction yet further. Vert. 24. Fair weather cornet;out of the North : with God is terrible (frtajefly. The former part of this verfe bath a refpec} to the latter-part of the former ; The wind pafeth and cleanfeth them, fair (or bright) weather cornet; out of the North. It bath been hewed before in opening the 9th verleof this Chapter, that the South wind ing ::n- ders the Rain, and caufeth foule weather ; here ( faith Pli!u) fair weather comet; oat of the North. The North wind ( faith Solomon, Pro. 25. ai. ) drivethaway Rain, fo doth em angry countenance a backbiting tongue. TheNorth wind blows coldly yet it blower clearly, it clears the Air fromClouds. We render, -Fair weather H h h h z ccmeth