Chap. 37. ßín Expo[[tion aeon th;Eook ofJ a B.. Vert, z I . 6o g thoagh it be tried with fare, might be foand toprofite, &c. Thus Out of theXorth comes Gotd,or this precioras thins, a tryed faith. That's a truth from the allegoricalfente of this place ; but I than not flay upon it. The proper meaning is , Eariwould have Job , and all men know, God bath his feveral Climates or places, out of which he fends and difpenceth fair and foul weather,; foul weather com;th out of the South,and fair our of the North. , Oat of the North comethfair weather. The Hebrew word rendred North, fignifieth hiding, becaufe ]l3 abfcondle the remote parts of the North are much hidden from the Sun occuttuvit, a. great art of the year being quire dark , and therefore the Nor' binera fep- z5 P Y xs q tentria aquile, them Climate may well be called the hiddenpart of the world: goat abfcandi Some put a Qyeflion upon thole wordsof David (Pfal. 7 5.6.) ta quia fol iuz Promotion comes netti er out ofthe Eaff, nor oat of the yy'eft, nor multo per an- from the South: Here are three of the foure Winds fpecified, b 16'72P re and it is faid, Promotion comes from neither of them. But why fpicìatut,. is it not also laid, that Promotion comes notfrom the North ? that's- thequefìon. I anfwer, It were anfwer enough to fay, that we ought not co put quettions curioufly about fuch thing,; it fhould fatisfie, us that the Spirit of God is pleafed to fay it is fo, and no more. Yet Come tell us, , the , reafon why is is nor faid, Promotion cometh not from theNorth, is,becaufe indeed it com- ethout of the North, which, fay they, is intimated in the Hebrew word for the Ar'rth, whichfignifies abidden or ferret. Promotion comes not from the Eaf#,nor Wefi,nor Sonth,but from the North, ( faith this Auwhot ) it comes f öm the North in a figure or my. aerie, that is, it comes from for hidden providence or fecret hand, which many take no more notice of, than we doof the fur theft part of-'the .Ncrth., God promotes many in this 'world to power, and fends them great profperi y wve fee not how or which way : The caufes and contrivances of it are hidden dole, and in the breaft of God. This allo isa truth ; in that fence we may fay, Pair weather cometh from the North. Promotion is vifiblr, but the manner of it is a fecrer, we fee not the caufes for which, no: the wayes'inwhich iccornedh. It is enough to touch thrfe nice- ties, and to touch them can do no burr, while the matter arifing from them, bath the, clear confer; of, and is harmonious' with o- ther