Chap. 37. an c`".rpoFition upon the Book of J o B. Verf. 21. 6®7 of the Kings and Princes of this world is, it is but aBream, a ray ifiuing from the Majefly of God, or, as the Greek verfion bath P Yañlati ri. ir, from his Magrifcence. Wemay difcern the Majeflyof God p° "``Cenri;. in every thing that he is, or is fpoken of him; The Ma- ? j_1ly of God is in his Greatnefle , his is a Great tvlajefy ; The Majefly ofGod is in his Highneffe, his it a High Majefly ; The Majefly of God is in his honour, his is a wit honourable Majefly; the Majefly of God is in his Word, he fpeaks with Majefly, his is a.moft Majeftical word; the Majefly ofGod is in Works, Majefly is flampt and printed apon all that he doth. What íhall T fay? there is Majeffy in the Wifdom of God, and Majefly in the J.uflice of God , and Majefly in the Goodnefs of God, and Majefly in the Power of God, there is Majefly in the- Love of God, and there is Majefly in the Wrath of God, there is Majefly in the Truth andFaithfulnefs of God ; every thing God bath, bath a Majefly in it ; therefore he is faid (Pfal. 93. a. ) tobe clothed withMajefly. (mfal. 96.6. ) Honour and Maiefly arebefore him. I, faith David (Pfal. i45. s.) will fpeakof the glorious honour of thy Majeffy, and ofthy wonderoesj,workr. Every- where the Scripture Pets forth the Majefly, the wonderful We- lly of God. Note, Secondly ; Gods Majefly is a terribleMajefly. The Majefly of Kings is dreadful and terrible; but I may fay, the Majefly of Kings, the Majefly of Solomon, and of .ha- fhuertas, the Majefly of Nebuchadnezzar, and of esAexander, either, firfl, in their Robes or, fecondly, in their Buildings ; or, thirdly, in their Feaflings ; or, fourthly, in their Follow- ersand Attendants (which four dochiefly hold out the Majefly of Princes) is but a mean thing, a very little thing, a nothing, in compari'on of the Majefly , the Glorious Mzj;:ily, the terrible Majefly of God His is a terrible Majefly indeed. And therefore theyare rebuked (Ifa. 26. Io ) who will not be bold the Majefly- of the Lord; what ? not behold fuch a dread- ful Majefly I fuch a terrible Majefly l The Scripture fers forth not only the M'ajefiy, bat the rerriblenefs of the Majefly of God ; read at leiaire, ( Dear. 7. 21. Nehetn. 9. 32. Pfal. 47. a..) There-