Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap. 37. c/í4 Ea;poftion upon the look ol. j e B. Ler,. x 3. 609 ro all chore who tremble not at his Majwtty ! to the prouchwoo are lifted up in their own thoug':Its, who arc high in their own imagi- nations! yer,the Majelly of the Lord will be terrible to all impe- nitent linnets, in that day, I may fay, more difün&ly, in thefe four dayes. Firf#, In the day ofCenicience,or when their own Con'ciences are a terrour to rhern.How.fad is it for a man to have God and his own Confcience terrible to him at once ! When (inners are awak- ned,when God Pets their fins in order before rhetn,they are a ter- rour to rhemfelves, as it is faid of Pafhar ( fer. ao: 3.) TheLord bath not called thy mwoe Pafhur,but Magor Aliffabib., that is, fear roundabout;!will make thee a terror to tloyfelf,rhy own Confcience. (hall be terrible to thee. Aman had better fall into the hands of the molt cruel Tyrants in the World, than into the hands of his ownConfcience. But when a man is a terrour to hirrofelf, then to have theLord a terrour CO him likewiCe, to have God appearing in terrible Majeífy, how dreadful is it !- Theawakened Confeierce ofainner earrieth in it, as a thoufand,vitnefes, fo a thoufand ter- roars; andGod in his anger is more terrible than a thonfarad confci- ences. Secondly, God is terrible to finners, in the day of outward trou- hie,when, as David fpeaks (Pfal.6T. 5.) By terrible things in righteotafnefsheanfwereth the prayers of his People. When God is doing terrible things in the World, howwiferable is their care,ro whomGod is a terrour in that day!A godly man whenGod is doing themoll terrible things, fhakingHeaven and earth,and (as it were) pulling the world about our ears,yer,becaufe he finds God at peace with him,heis well enoughBut as for impenitent (inners, when God is doing terrible things, what will become of them ? Imay befpeak them in the words of the Prophet (Ifa. 1 o. 3. ) What will yedo in the day of your vil7tation, and in the defolation whichfhal come from far?to whomwill yeflee for help,a;rd where ail ye leaveyour glory ? As if he had faid, who,or what can be a com- fort to you,when God is a.terrour to you ? And therefore,anorher Prophet fore-feing filch a terrible day coming, makes rhìg earne! deprecating prayer (fer. 17. 13.) 0 Lord, ke not thou a terrour to me in the evil day. I know an evil, a terrible, day is at hand,bot Lord I beg this of thee, that thou wilt not be a terrour tome in that day; if men thould be a terrourto tne, and God a terrour I i i i too,